Even though the digital landscape evolves like the ever-changing realms of Middle-earth, the quest for a robust, efficient, and secure web development platform always leads to Adobe ColdFusion. The latest iteration, Adobe ColdFusion 2025, offers features and enhancements that beckon developers and organizations to upgrade. Failing to upgrade to the latest version of Adobe ColdFusion […]
BoxLang: A New Modern Dynamic ColdFusion Language for Middleware-earth
Guess what?! A new CF engine has emerged from the Shire to join the Adobe ColdFusion and Lucee CF engines. It’s name: BoxLang! Where did it come from (when we knew nothing until last month)? What does it do? And how will it help CF developers and keep ColdFusion more alive and modern? Time for […]
ColdFusion Hosting: How To Choose the Best One
Choosing the best ColdFusion hosting for your company’s next project or web app is critical. Make the right choice, and your project will run smoothly and succeed. Make the wrong choice, and you’ll find yourself in the developer’s equivalent of Mordor, where small issues become critical mistakes. Beware of the following perils: Unreliable Hosting: This […]
7 Steps To Get The Best Coldfusion Web Application Performance
ContentsSummaryWhat is performance tuning in SQL?Follow these simple steps to optimize your database and its functions:1. Clean up your SQL 2. Find the garbage collection sweet spot3. Expect success when modeling your database4. Ongoing maintenance5. Check your hardware6. ColdFusion Server Monitor: Monitor your logs and metrics7. Load test as often as you can Summary Learn about […]
CFML Open Source: Everything You Need To Know About Lucee
The long wait is over. Lucee 6.0 is here! Finally! Let’s see what makes Lucee such a force in the programming world, then see its newest tricks. ContentsEverything You Need To Know About LuceeWhat is CFML open source/Lucee?What is Lucee used for?Lucee and ColdFusion: siblings, not twinsLucee ≠ ColdFusionWhat makes Lucee different from CF?Is Lucee […]
ColdFusion Server Crashing – First 3 Steps to Fix it Fast
Has your site or app ever crashed, sending the IT department into a collective meltdown? Perhaps you’re running an e-commerce site whose customers can’t log in. Or a networking platform that’s suddenly off everyone’s network. Downtime and site maintenance can be costly resource hogs that draw your IT team’s attention away from other vital work. […]
4 Ways to Recognize a Good ColdFusion Consultant
ContentsLearn about Four Ways to Recognize a Good ColdFusion Consultant Before Hiring Them!Learn how to hire the right consultant, and save!How to find the best ColdFusion consultant There are several ways to find out if a consultant’s experience and quality stack up to your company’s needs:Favor companies with teams rather than solo developersBe sure they […]
Introducing Swansea Jack (Lucee CFML 6 announced)
During the 2018 CFCamp in Munich, a bombshell was dropped. That bombshell, of course, is the announcement of Lucee 6. I know this will come as surprise to some, but most Lucee users probably have been excited for the past few weeks. Lucee 6 in true Lucee fashion is being named after another famous dog […]
096 Adobe ColdFusion 2020 Roadmap (Multi-cloud, micro-services and more), with Ashish Garg
Ashish Garg talks about “Adobe ColdFusion 2020 Roadmap (Multi-cloud, micro-services and more), with Ashish Garg” in this episode of the CF Alive Podcast, with host Michaela Light. ContentsShow notesColdFusion FutureWhat will make CF take off moreCF 2020 Roadmap – modernized ColdFusion for the next decadeCloudCF makes multi-cloud easyCF cloud licensing MonitoringLoggingContainer supportInstallationLanguageCloud Skills ServicesConfigurationServerlessConclusionMentioned in this episodeListen […]
ColdFusion Query of Queries (Streamline your Processes)
In this article, you will learn: What is a ColdFusion Query of Queries? What are the benefits of using a ColdFusion Query of Queries? How to conduct a ColdFusion Query of Queries. What are some functionalities of ColdFusion Query of Queries? Finding detailed information in a large database can sometimes be a daunting task. Fortunately, […]