TeraTech Case Studies
We work mostly with medium-sized companies across the USA. We are dedicated to doing what we say, and providing our services at the promised budget and within the time frame given.
Check out what some of our clients say about working with TeraTech ColdFusion experts. We can give you the same “white glove treatment” we provided for these organizations.
Telecommunications Industry Association
What was the CF problem they were facing?
"When I arrived at TIA and had a quick look around at what we were using and how we were using it, I've found a 20 year old application that was written in ColdFusion. Turns out it was written by at least three groups of programmers, so it went through three transitions. Add in a 20-year old application written in ColdFusion. It had been through three generations of programmers, so there was at least three styles and three designs reflected in the source code and the database and were not a ColdFusion, or even a trained technician."
The end result? Here’s what George had to say…
"We have some shelf teaching of course, but I had to reach out, and find someone who could help me with it. It's not perfect because it (CF) was 20 years old, and every time we upgrade something, we get unusual results and the code itself does not come out perfect.
So when we hit an instance where we couldn't get through it, I needed someone I could lean on and I turned to TeraTech.”
- George Nicolson
Director IT
Concordia University
What was the CF problem they were facing?
This is how it could impact your business or how effective are secure your application as this is the problem or these are the problems where you're straying from best practice or potential security concerns. And that was important to me to see that the project really focused on us as a customer individually and not as a, here we've done our standard thing, we filled in the blanks and there's your work product. I felt very good about the value product that TeraTech provided."
The end result? Here’s what Brad had to say…
"What you can learn about yourself and your own code from folks who know what they're doing, like the people at TeraTech is only going to help you improve your product; improve your code by understanding what you can do better.
You might learn something!”
- Brad Metzler
Sr. Network Engineer
Concordia University
ColdFusion Security Audit and Code Review
Lindsey Wilson College
What was the CF problem they were facing?
"Every year we experience an influx of students. Obviously, in the fall semester, we find that our system takes has the biggest activity at that particular time than any other year. And that's compounded by the fact that we are also going through financial audit. So our auditors are hitting these massive financial reports and grinding their way through data at the time that students are coming in. And what we had noticed during this time is that ColdFusion the memory on the server was actually spiraling out of control. And so we would start out working really well but was as activity increased to the beginning of the semester, more and more that that memory that was allocated to cold server confusion was actually getting used up considerably, and it would actually reach to the point where it could not allocate any more memory. itself. And at that point, we had to actually kill the service. "
The end result? Here’s what Anthony had to say…
"What you can learn about yourself and your own code from folks who know what they're doing, like the people at TeraTech is only going to help you improve your product; improve your code by understanding what you can do better.”
- Anthony Moore is
Director of Information Systems
Lindsey Wilson College
Columbia KY
American Academy of Otolaryngology
What was the CF problem they were facing?
"The customers didn't have visibility into where they were and tracking the status and the stakeholders already. Internal users really didn't have a whole lot of visibility either in the total picture. So that was probably the biggest pain point. "
The end result? Here’s what Mike had to say…
The ability to, push code has a code repository, to the understanding of having the different environments for testing the need for security, a wrapping that up into ColdFusion as a development language, it becoming more of a robust platform. and some will, I was impressed with that cause that's, it says, , you know, you continuing to grow, the effort..”
- Mike Robey
Senior Director, Information Technology
American Academy of Otolaryngology
Head and Neck Surgery
Alexandria VA
Georgetown University
What was the CF problem they were facing?
They had an external deadline for their application going live that could not be moved. Their internal ColdFusion developers could not get it done by the hard deadline. We provided a bid and we were able to meet the very quick turnaround time.
What was the CF problem they were facing?
They tried to do a project internally and “bit off more than they could chew.” Their internal IT department could not solve the problem, and we presented demos early on that showed our approach to the project working.
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (Trip Planner)
What was the CF problem they were facing?
WMATA looked to redesign their website, along with the Trip Planner. They did not have enough staff to handle everything and decided to hire a contractor to assist them.
The end result? Here’s what the client had to say…
"We created a Trip Planner that coordinates seamlessly with the look and feel of the WMATA website redesign. It occupies a prominent place on the homepage, provides better functionality for WMATA’s users, and contributes to a successful repositioning of their entire website. The Trip Planner now averages approximately 50,000 itineraries a day, doubling the amount of usage from a couple of years ago before the redesign took place."