CF Alive Inner Circle
The CF Alive Inner Circle is for ColdFusion developers and managers who want to be part of making CFML more alive, modern and secure this year.
- Get early access to the CF Alive book and videos
- Be part of a new movement for improving CF's perception in the world.
- Contribute to the CF Alive revolution
- Connect with other CF developers and managers
- There is no cost to membership.
The CF Alive Roadmap
Don’t listen to what some people say. I’m here to show you that ColdFusion is a vibrant and modern language for complex, data-driven enterprise apps. While some companies have abandoned ColdFusion as dying, more visionary dev teams have embraced CF. Learn how they are making it the most modern, secure and state-of-the-art web development ecosystem. Bar none.
Join the CF Alive Revolution and you can:
- Modernize your legacy CF apps with 14 best practices for easy-to-maintain apps
- Discover 27 state-of-the-art tools from my hand-picked list that will make you more efficient at CF development
- Inspire others developers and young programmers with our proven 21 outreach methods
- Learn 8 keys to improve CF Marketing and be proud of using ColdFusion
- Contribute to making CF more alive
Together we can make CF more modern, vibrant and secure this year!
In all reality, TeraTech has never had any problem finding CF developers and projects. For others, it was a different story. We sent out our annual survey, “The State of the CF Union”, and the answers we received were shocking.
The biggest concern we received was that CF was dead/dying/legacy. That’s what got me motivated. I wanted to help rebuild the state of ColdFusion and the community’s perception of it. So, the CF Alive revolution was born.
In the State of CF Union Survey 2018 (Amazing Final Results & Analysis) I asked:
What aspects of CF are preventing you or your company from embracing CF?
The top concern, which was given by 72% of the participants, say that is is because CF is seen as dying/legacy.
With the CF Alive Inner Circle you can help in changing this false perception.
CF Alivers in the Inner Circle are:
- Becoming an advocate for CF in your company and local developer community
- Attending CF conferences and free webinars’
- Listening to the CF Alive podcast and be interviewed on it
- Reading the CF Alive book and leaving an honest review on Amazon to help others find it
- Writing inspiring blog posts about your CF experience
- Stepping up in the CF community, help other CFers
- Becoming a leader that helps grow this venture far beyond ourselves.