By Yeshim Deniz, June 22, 2009 3 Steps to Social Media Success for Entrepreneurs A smart entrepreneur knows to stay connected. Twitter, a micro-blogging tool, enables you to immerse yourself in your industry, develop your company’s brand, and relate to your customers. With 14 million people on Twitter (and more joining daily), if you’re an […]
Server Software
ColdFusion Server Crashing – First 3 Steps to Fix it Fast
Has your site or app ever crashed, sending the IT department into a collective meltdown? Perhaps you’re running an e-commerce site whose customers can’t log in. Or a networking platform that’s suddenly off everyone’s network. Downtime and site maintenance can be costly resource hogs that draw your IT team’s attention away from other vital work. […]
4 Reasons Why Your ColdFusion Web Apps Are Suffering (And How To Avoid It)
CIOs and their teams go to great lengths — and expenses — to put together the perfect, pristine web app. Yet things can go awry. Some web apps don’t live up to their potential. Happens in ColdFusion, like any other language. I see it all the time doing my ColdFusion consulting work. These problems become […]
Google Down – An Unprecedented Event (Save Your Data Fast!)
How many times did you hit “refresh” on Monday? The #GoogleDown, a massive outage among the search giant’s many services, affected many IT systems and websites. Was your company able to navigate the outage easily? Or did you all freak out? Google Down… What Exactly Happened? There’s a way to cover your ass, so to […]
4 Focus Areas for Best ColdFusion Server Optimization
Some people may believe that they have the best web server setup. It might run smoothly now, but what happens when it is fully loaded? Does your server still work at its very best? Probably not. What would it take to have better servers? “It was Nielsen I think that had a survey some years […]
What do you run your listservs on?
What do you run your listservs on? Someone recently asked me “I wanted to ask you if you guys ever created or use an email listserv type of application that you can recommend to me. I am trying to replace a Linux box which runs email lists for our company using mailman but I had […]