As any ColdFusion expert and consultant will tell you, we constantly run into companies using only select parts of ColdFusion and not its full potential. It’s like a chef with a huge spice rack who only uses paprika. Creating apps, like cooking, needs diverse tools and ingredients to truly shine. That means incorporating everything ColdFusion […]
ColdFusion Maintenance
4 Reasons Why Your ColdFusion Web Apps Are Suffering (And How To Avoid It)
CIOs and their teams go to great lengths — and expenses — to put together the perfect, pristine web app. Yet things can go awry. Some web apps don’t live up to their potential. Happens in ColdFusion, like any other language. I see it all the time doing my ColdFusion consulting work. These problems become […]
Google Down – An Unprecedented Event (Save Your Data Fast!)
How many times did you hit “refresh” on Monday? The #GoogleDown, a massive outage among the search giant’s many services, affected many IT systems and websites. Was your company able to navigate the outage easily? Or did you all freak out? Google Down… What Exactly Happened? There’s a way to cover your ass, so to […]
Slow ColdFusion Applications May Ruin Your Business (3 Steps to Prevent It)
Oh, the horror! Oh my, the agony! Of what? Of waiting! Waiting for your device to make progress as it tries to load an app or site. Delays are the death knell of life in the tech world and cause major havoc to your company’s bottom line. Does this sound familiar for all the […]
4 Ways to Recognize a Good ColdFusion Consultant
ContentsLearn about Four Ways to Recognize a Good ColdFusion Consultant Before Hiring Them!Learn how to hire the right consultant, and save!How to find the best ColdFusion consultant There are several ways to find out if a consultant’s experience and quality stack up to your company’s needs:Favor companies with teams rather than solo developersBe sure they […]
Four Steps to Optimize Your ColdFusion Server and Application
A CIO’s work involves maintaining two “machines” — the ragtag bunch of humans that make up the IT department, and the silicon and metal devices they use to ply their trade. The two machines collide at servers and applications. This often becomes a mirror of the marriage between man and devices at your company. Often, […]
SQL vs NoSQL (Top 4 Key Differences Explained)
When developing a new application, you’ll face one key decision: what kind of database will your company’s app use? There are two main flavors: SQL and NoSQL. You must choose wisely! I’ve seen enough botched database decisions as a ColdFusion consultant to know the long-term ramifications of choosing incorrectly between SQL or NoSQL. Your choice […]
Adobe ColdFusion Site is Down For Maintenance
Site maintenance can be a costly resource hog. It can cause downtime — lots of it, if not done properly. Downtime for site maintenance is a life-draining experience… It draws your team’s attention away from other vital work. It also cuts off vital revenue streams. It eliminates any efficiencies created by your app or […]
A powerful strategy to help avoid delays in your ColdFusion project
Dependency tracking- Why it’s important Similarly to tracking resources, keeping track of dependencies between tasks helps avoid delays. Thanks to that, you know which prior task or tasks need to be completed before the next task can be finished. Tools In a multi-man-year projects you can use a GANTT chart to track dependencies.What’s more, you can also […]
Does your ColdFusion Code Smell Bad? (16 certified checks)
I am not talking about literal bad smell from your computer! I mean is there something “off” about it. Not a bug, but poor design or architecture weakness that will make maintenance a bear? Defn: Code smell is any symptom in your source code that may indicate a deeper problem in your system. Just like […]