In the web development realm, where the quest for efficiency and power unfolds like an epic journey through Middle-earth, a new champion has emerged. Lucee 6, the first major update to the platform since 2016, is akin to the light of Eärendil guiding developers through the darkness and promises to lead CFML developers to victory, […]
ColdFusion Hosting: How To Choose the Best One
Choosing the best ColdFusion hosting for your company’s next project or web app is critical. Make the right choice, and your project will run smoothly and succeed. Make the wrong choice, and you’ll find yourself in the developer’s equivalent of Mordor, where small issues become critical mistakes. Beware of the following perils: Unreliable Hosting: This […]
CFML Open Source: Everything You Need To Know About Lucee
The long wait is over. Lucee 6.0 is here! Finally! Let’s see what makes Lucee such a force in the programming world, then see its newest tricks. ContentsEverything You Need To Know About LuceeWhat is CFML open source/Lucee?What is Lucee used for?Lucee and ColdFusion: siblings, not twinsLucee ≠ ColdFusionWhat makes Lucee different from CF?Is Lucee […]
What Is ColdFusion? Why ColdFusion Remains the Best Programming Language
Developers and CIOs must choose from a list of programming languages and platforms, tossing ColdFusion in with the rest. But what is ColdFusion, and why does it stand above the rest? The future of many companies rests in the hands of Chief Information Officers. Their choice of programming languages is of utmost importance in the […]
Introducing Swansea Jack (Lucee CFML 6 announced)
During the 2018 CFCamp in Munich, a bombshell was dropped. That bombshell, of course, is the announcement of Lucee 6. I know this will come as surprise to some, but most Lucee users probably have been excited for the past few weeks. Lucee 6 in true Lucee fashion is being named after another famous dog […]