Some people may believe that they have the best web server setup. It might run smoothly now, but what happens when it is fully loaded? Does your server still work at its very best? Probably not. What would it take to have better servers? “It was Nielsen I think that had a survey some years […]
Fixinator- A New, Powerful Security for Your CFML Code
Just recently, I talked with Pete Freitag from Foundeo about ColdFusion security issues and solutions. For those of you that don’t already know this, Pete is one of the best CF security experts out there. And, modernizing ColdFusion is just that! Making it more secure, and alive. #ModernizeOrDie was the main moto at Into The […]
TestBox and MockBox- How Using Them Helps ColdFusion Leaders Save Money
ContentsWhat good is broken code?What if we told you that top CIOs know the way around the inevitably of human nature?Why Should CIOs Care About Testing?1) Happier stakeholders and their bosses in the C-Suite2) Reduced risk of project disaster3) Faster time to market through Agile testing4) Increased efficiency with automated testing5) Better feedback loops6) Measured […]
ColdFusion Vs Java (Afraid to Know Which One is Better?)
Java is one of the biggest programming languages out there. Although it’s not as prolific as before, many programmers still use Java. It is widely considered to be one of those must-learn languages. But why Java? Why not ColdFusion? Let’s take a look at some of the key features that help ColdFusion stand out from […]
Adobe ColdFusion Summit East 2019 Full Report
Adobe ColdFusion Summit East 2019 was awesome! The 4th Annual Adobe ColdFusion Summit East was held on April 10th in Washington, D.C. At the interactive summit, attendees joined Adobe ColdFusion experts to learn how agencies across the U.S. are leveraging ColdFusion to rapidly build and deploy web and mobile applications. The day was filled with engaging sessions […]
Interesting Comparison Between ColdFusion and PHP
PHP and ColdFusion may both be web development platforms, but they are worlds apart. Let’s look at some major differences. Contents1. PriceRelated: Adobe ColdFusion 2018 Standard, Adobe ColdFusion 2018 Enterprise Edition2. Syntax Ease of Use3. Level of SecurityRelated: Modernization of Adobe ColdFusion (More Secure Than Ever)4. Cross-Platform and Mobile DevelopmentVerdict: ColdFusion VS PHPCVE details specify the […]
Comprehensive list of ColdFusion Conferences 2018
2018 was awesome! That’s the only thing I can say. I am blown away by the amount of energy and enthusiasm I have seen both from Adobe people and from CFers. In the last days of 2018 I am happily saying that ColdFusion is now more alive than ever. I will summarize sooo many great […]
077 Fundamentals of Unit Testing, BDD and Mocking (using TestBox and MockBox) with Uma Ghotikar
Uma Ghotikar talks about “Fundamentals of Unit Testing, BDD and Mocking (using TestBox and MockBox)” in this episode of ColdFusion Alive podcast with host Michaela Light. ContentsShow notesWhat is unit testing?Why do you like xUnit and BDD styles of testing?What is TestBox?What is mocking?What is BDD and why do you like itHow do TestBox and MockBox […]
CFCamp 2018 Announcements and Big Expectations
Contents“What is CFCamp”LocationCall for speakersPricing and ticketsAdditional information and helpBecome a sponsor “What is CFCamp” CFCamp was created with the purpose of providing general training for both beginner and advanced level CFML programmers. The conference began life in 2008 with 100 attendees and 9 sessions. In 2011 we revived the conference and hosted 120 attendees and 9 sessions. […]
071 CommandBox 4 Deep Dive (new version revealed) with Brad Wood
Brad Wood talks about “CommandBox 4 Deep Dive (new version revealed)” in this episode of ColdFusion Alive podcast with host Michaela Light. He is one of the speakers at Into The Box 2018 conference, a system architect for Ortus Solution and lead developer of the CommandBox CLI. ContentsShow notesWhat is CommandBoxWhy all CFers should be using itWhat is […]