The first half of the year 2019 has passed and we can say that so far it was very interesting and fruitful for ColdFusion. But, let’s start from what you might have missed in 2018. Read the full list and report Adobe ColdFusion Conferences (Comprehensive list)
Adobe ColdFusion Summit East 2019 Full Report
Adobe ColdFusion Summit East 2019 was awesome! The 4th Annual Adobe ColdFusion Summit East was held on April 10th in Washington, D.C. At the interactive summit, attendees joined Adobe ColdFusion experts to learn how agencies across the U.S. are leveraging ColdFusion to rapidly build and deploy web and mobile applications. The day was filled with engaging sessions […]
Comprehensive list of ColdFusion Conferences 2018
2018 was awesome! That’s the only thing I can say. I am blown away by the amount of energy and enthusiasm I have seen both from Adobe people and from CFers. In the last days of 2018 I am happily saying that ColdFusion is now more alive than ever. I will summarize sooo many great […]
029 Behind the Scenes at CFObjective, with Carol Hamilton
Carol Hamilton talks about “Behind the scenes at cfObjective” in this episode of ColdFusion Alive podcast with host Michaela Light. She is one of the speakers at the CFObjective Conference and the cf.Objective Co-chairperson content advisory board and steering committee. ContentsShow notesMentioned in this episodeListen to the AudioBioLinksInterview transcriptRead more Show notes Hot Speakers this year New topic […]