Guess what?! A new CF engine has emerged from the Shire to join Adobe and Lucee’s CF engines. It’s name: BoxLang! Where did it come from (when we knew nothing until last month)? What does it do? And how will it help CF developers and keep ColdFusion more alive and modern? Time for an adventure […]
TestBox and MockBox- How Using Them Helps ColdFusion Leaders Save Money
ContentsWhat good is broken code?What if we told you that top CIOs know the way around the inevitably of human nature?Why Should CIOs Care About Testing?1) Happier stakeholders and their bosses in the C-Suite2) Reduced risk of project disaster3) Faster time to market through Agile testing4) Increased efficiency with automated testing5) Better feedback loops6) Measured […]
ColdFusion Docker Containers Roadshow Webinar with Mark Drew (Ortus Roadshow 1 of 5)
Last Friday was very interesting for CFers. The first ColdFusion Containers Roadshow Webinar by Ortus was held and the speaker was Mark Drew. This series will be held throughout the September, every Friday at 11 AM CST. Topics will cover anything you would need to build sustainable containerized ColdFusion applications using CommandBox, ColdBox, and ContentBox CMS […]