(Interesting initial CF Survey 2020 results) I am happy to share interesting State of CF survey 2020 partial results (full details in that link) Lucee 5.3+ is the most popular version this year with CF 2016 in second, just ahead of CF 2018. ColdBox was just beaten out by “Homegrown” as the most popular general […]
CF Camp 2019 Full Report (Slides, Interviews, Everything CFML and Lucee)
ContentsWhat is CF CampRelated: Everything You Need To Know About LuceePreconference classesColdBox From Hero to Super Hero: API Edition (Oct, 15-16th)BDD with TESTBOX (Oct, 15-16th)PresideCon (Oct, 16th)Centralize your logs with the Elastic Stack (Oct, 16th)Get into Linux (Oct, 16th)CF Camp 2019 Slides and PresentationsLucee 5.4 & 6 by Gert Franz and Michael Offner-StreitAutomated Database Migrations with […]
097 State of the CF Union 2019 Survey, with Brad Wood (in-depth analysis)
The final results for the 2019 State of the CF Union survey are out. Thanks to all the CFers who filled it out this year. Discover what most developers use for tools, languages, database and development methods. Before we begin with the results, we’d like to thank everyone who participated and responded to this year’s […]
ColdFusion Query of Queries (Streamline your Processes)
In this article, you will learn: What is a ColdFusion Query of Queries? What are the benefits of using a ColdFusion Query of Queries? How to conduct a ColdFusion Query of Queries. What are some functionalities of ColdFusion Query of Queries? Finding detailed information in a large database can sometimes be a daunting task. Fortunately, […]
Comprehensive list of ColdFusion Conferences 2019
The first half of the year 2019 has passed and we can say that so far it was very interesting and fruitful for ColdFusion. But, let’s start from what you might have missed in 2018. Read the full list and report Adobe ColdFusion Conferences (Comprehensive list)
Comprehensive list of ColdFusion Conferences 2018
2018 was awesome! That’s the only thing I can say. I am blown away by the amount of energy and enthusiasm I have seen both from Adobe people and from CFers. In the last days of 2018 I am happily saying that ColdFusion is now more alive than ever. I will summarize sooo many great […]
State-of-the-Art Tools That Keep ColdFusion Alive
Am I the only one who gets excited when sitting down to hash out some new CFML code? You know. one of the best parts about using ColdFusion (or Lucee for that matter) is the ease of use. CFML is a language that is capable of many things, but it’s simple to use. Ever stop […]
CFCamp 2018: Madness in Munich – Recap Day 2
This article sadly marks the closing of our CFCamp 2018 in Munich. As the only CF conference in Europe, CFCamp had a pretty big responsibility to properly showcase ColdFusion and CFML in the region. It did not disappoint. Day 1 was chock full of great sessions along with two free premium goodies: a Yubikey and […]
058 Progressive Web Apps Building – Amazing Lucee CFML and ColdBox Tricks with Miles Rausch
Miles Rausch talks about “Progressive Web Apps Building – Amazing Lucee CFML and ColdBox Tricks” in this episode of the CF Alive Podcast, with host Michaela Light. ContentsShow notesWhat a Progressive Web App? (PWA)Why the heck should make your web apps Progressive?Why should your trust your users’ network connectivity 100% of the time?What support is […]
046 Secrets From the Folks Who Make the Official Lucee CFML Docker Images, with Geoff Bowers
Geoff Bowers talks about “Secrets from the folks who make the official Lucee CFML Docker images” in this episode of ColdFusion Alive podcast with host Michaela Light. ContentsShow notesMentioned in this episodeListen to the AudioBioLinksInterview transcriptRead more Show notes Secrets from the folks who make the official Lucee Docker images Treat your servers like cattle and […]