Welcome back to the part 2 of the State of the ColdFusion Union 2017 Survey analysis. In case you missed it, follow this link to read the State of The CF Union 2017 Analysis part 1. ContentsFilling out CF surveysHere’s what you will find in the part 2 of this analysis:Listen to the AudioYou can […]
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026 Gitlab Server Deep Dive with Continuous Integration, with George Murphy
George Murphy talks about “Gitlab Server Deep Dive with Continuous Integration” in this episode of ColdFusion Alive podcast with host Michaela Light. John was one of the speakers at the Into The Box ColdFusion Conference, where he talked about Gitlab server with Continuous Integration. Are you ready to do a deep dive into setting up a Gitlab […]
008 The Best REST You’ve ever Had: ColdBox REST with Nathaniel Francis
Nathaniel Francis talks about “The best REST you’ve ever had: ColdBox REST” in this episode of the ColdFusion Alive Podcast, with host Michaela Light. Nathaniel is one of the speakers for the upcoming Into The Box Conference where he will talk about The best REST you’ve ever had: ColdBox REST. “ColdBox has allowed CFML to really […]
006 CF State of Union Survey 2017 with David Tattersall
David Tattersall talks about “CF State of Union Survey 2017” in this episode of ColdFusion Alive Podcast, with host Michaela Light. David is the CEO of Integral, and is building FusionReactor, fusion analytics and fusion debug. “I think what the ColdFusion guys want or are looking for with that is provide a platform that enables […]
4 Best strategies to avoid mistakes in your ColdFusion projects pt. 2
Welcome! This is the second part of 4 Best strategies to avoid mistakes in your ColdFusion projects In case you missed the first part, you can read it here. Project champion- your second most valuable advocate The IT department is often perceived by other departments as not being on the same side, not “one of […]
7 powerful traits (must have in ideal ColdFusion developers)
Why is it so important to have ideal ColdFusion developers on your team? In a survey I did last year 17% of participants said they had incompetent staff on their projects. Which means bad code, more bugs, and bad team dynamics. Ouch! There is a ten to one variance between the worst programmer and the […]
5 Best Ways How to Decide to Hire ColdFusion Developer
You have a close decision to make on hiring a ColdFusion developer or several different ways to architect a program. If one sucked and the other was brilliant it would be easy (pick the brilliant one!) But often there are two or more options that are really close and it is hard to decide which […]