George Murphy talks about “Gitlab Server Deep Dive with Continuous Integration” in this episode of ColdFusion Alive podcast with host Michaela Light. John was one of the speakers at the Into The Box ColdFusion Conference, where he talked about Gitlab server with Continuous Integration. Are you ready to do a deep dive into setting up a Gitlab […]
025 Why Programming in Node is so Powerful, with Ray Camden
Ray Camden talks about “Why Programming in Node is so Powerful (how CFers can learn)” in this episode of ColdFusion Alive Podcast with host Michaela Light. He is also one of the speakers at CFObjective Conference. In this talk, Raymond will introduce ColdFusion developers to Node.js development. This will be a high-level talk more focused on […]
014 NGINX: A Smart Middle Man Between Your App and Your Users, with Kevin Jones
Kevin Jones talks about “NGINX: a smart middle man between your app and your users” in this episode of ColdFusion Alive Podcast, with host Michaela Light. Kevin is one of the speakers for the upcoming Into The Box ColdFusion Conference, where he will talk about Using NGINX as an Effective and Highly Available Content Cache. […]
First looks at WorkFlowy for Todo list, planning and GTD
This is my initial thoughts on WorkFlowy intuitive productivity app that I started using a week ago for my todo lists, project planning, requirements and Getting Things Done system. Curious if anyone else is using WorkFlowy and what your tips and thoughts on it are? I got the Pro version of the app free for a […]