The Book Outline
Here are some thoughts that I already started developing, and reasons why I think this book is important to be read.
I want to refute the common anti-CF arguments, especially the one from Gartner report and common ones CF developers hear. CIO programming language choice criteria is not in the best place regarding how ColdFusion is observed from their point of view.
Why Now?
We've seen a lot of the new stuff happening lately. Just take a look at the Adobe vision for the Coldfusion in the next ten years…
The movement towards modern CF in the last 3 years is huge – “it's not your father’s CF”
- ACF goes to the cloud, cloud trends CF 2020
- Lucee released a new version (check?)
- An uptick in CF use – Adobe data/graphs
- Trends from CF Union survey
Modern Coldfusion
Yes, Coldfusion is modern. There is a lot of legacy code, but this is not only our problem (CF experts and developer) but it also has to do with educating and explaining this to the users.
Related: Moving from Legacy Code to a Modern CFML
ColdFusion Across the Globe
Do you know how many companies use ACF?
How many Fortune 500 companies?
And, how many organizations, ColdFusion pages are out there?
Trust me you will be amazed.
What Are the Top concerns That Every CIO Might Have When Choosing a Programming Language
WWIT to make CIO's understand the benefits of using ColdFusion? I have recently done a poll about their top concerns and how do they choose which programming language they will use in their projects?
- Speed of change
- Languages are lasting longer than before
- Applications live beyond their projected end of life. ⇒ new for modernization (vs expensive rewrites)
- developer communities stay loyal to languages they have grown to depend on during their careers. – effective use of resources
What are the key factors when a CIO is choosing the programming language?
How CF Compares to Other Top Languages?
- How ColdFusion compares with other leading platforms?
- What kind of apps/development are not a good fit for CF
- Where the power in CF comes from
A Few of the Reasons I Believe ColdFusion is so Great
- It is fast to market, with a faster lifecycle
- RAD = Rapid Application Development
- It is scalable
- It is secure
- Rapid Learning Curve
OK, that's all I will mention for now.
I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas and experiences on this matter.