I have just formatted my drive C after having a new hard disk and installed everything again and again. Of course Dreamweaver is also installed from scratch. After starting Dreamweaver for the first time I need to set some settings. Here is what I do after a new Dreamweaver installation.
- First I am a ColdFusion/Flex developer and I prefer code environment.
- Then “Edit-> Preferences” and some “must have” changes.
- Code Hints: “After typing the open tag's. “>”.”
- New Document: “Default document -> ColdFusion template”, “Default encoding -> Unicode”, check for “Include Unicode Signature (BOM)”.
- Validator: XHTML 1.0 transitional
- Then “Edit-> Preferences” and some “must have” changes.
- and some other stuff which are not so important but would be good for me.
- General: check for “Reopen documents on startup”
- Code Coloring: ColdFusion (this selection was a bug and do not work on every Dreamweaver installation)
- Code Format: check for “Automatic wrapping”
- and some other stuff which are not so important but would be good for me.
If you have other initial setup for CF in Dreamweaver, please share with us.