We have run the State of the ColdFusion Union Surveys for nearly 10 years now. This year was particularly inspiring – interesting results too! Special thanks to Brad Wood who edited the survey questions and reviewed the results with me in two webinars. We have summarized all the ColdFusion analysis and commentary in this 72-page report. […]
ColdFusion features
State of the ColdFusion Union 2017 Survey Amazing Results
We have run the State of the ColdFusion Union Surveys for nearly 10 years now. This year was particularly inspiring. And interesting results too. And special thanks to Brad Wood who helped me edit the survey questions and reviewed the results with me in two webinars. We have summarized all the ColdFusion analysis and commentary in this […]
012 Extreme Testing and Slaying the Dragons of ORM with Luis Majano
Luis Majano talks about “Extreme testing and slaying the dragons of ORM” in this episode of the ColdFusion Alive Podcast, with host Michaela Light. Luis is one of the speakers for the upcoming Into The Box ColdFusion Conference, where he will talk about the theory of Behavior Driven Development, Slaying the ORM Dragons with CBORM and The […]
FusionReactor 5 releases new features for ColdFusion server monitoring
If you haven’t checked out the recently launched FusionReactor 5 (www.fusion-reactor.com) you are in for a nice surprise with many new and improved features compared with earlier versions of the ColdFusion server monitor. At TeraTech we like using it for real-time server monitoring, to pinpoint issues and protect against server crashes. Some of FR5’s […]