Kishore Balakrishnan talks about “Adobe CF Summit 2023” in this episode of ColdFusion Alive Podcast, with host Michaela Light. “We’re going to be talking about CF summit in Las Vegas and what’s new and what you need to know about that.” ContentsShow notesWhat are you looking forward to at CF Summit in Las Vegas in […]
CF Alive Podcast
129 MASA ColdFusion CMS (new open source Content Manager) with Guust Nieuwenhuis
Guust Nieuwenhuis talks about “MASA ColdFusion CMS (new open source Content Manager)” in this episode of the ColdFusion Alive Podcast with host Michaela Light. “he’s joining us to talk about MASA CMS, a new CMS launched about a year and a half ago. It’s a fork out of the famous Muira CMS. And we’ll talk […]
128 Stopping API security hacks cold (using ColdFusion API Manager) with Mike Brunt
Mike Brunt talks about “Stopping API security hacks cold (using ColdFusion API Manager)” in this episode of the ColdFusion Alive Podcast with host Michaela Light. “We’re going to be talking about API security and ColdFusion, which you may not have considered. This is a whole other attack service surface that your apps can be hacked […]
127 Modernizing ColdFusion Legacy Apps, Guust Nieuwenhuis
Guust Nieuwenhuis talks about “Modernizing ColdFusion apps (through evolution, not revolution)” in this episode of the ColdFusion Alive Podcast with host Michaela Light. “We’re going to be talking about modernizing your legacy ColdFusion apps through evolution and not revolution. And we’ll explain what that means.” ContentsShow notesWhy not rewrite legacy apps?Do nothing optionRefactor insteadLegacy issuesBetter […]
126 Revealing FusionReactor 9 (ColdFusion Monitoring New Tools) with David Tattersall
Contents126 Revealing FusionReactor 9 (ColdFusion Monitoring New Tools) with David TattersallShow notesOur Mission + FusionReactor highlightsWhat is FusionReactor – why is it different?Common problemsWhat is FusionReactor? Coming very soon to FusionReactor CloudRealtime production debugging for JavaWhat versions of ACF and Lucee does FR work with?Roadmap What’s coming up (very) soonWWIT to make CF even more alive next […]
125 State CF Union Survey Analysis (part 3: Community, Deployment and Wrapup) with Gavin Pickin
Gavin Pickin talks about “State CF Union survey analysis (part 3: Community, Deployment and Wrapup)” in this episode of the ColdFusion Alive Podcast with host Michaela Light. “…Last time, we got to question 27. Now we’re in the whole section around ColdFusion community, which I know it’s important to a lot of listeners. So let’s […]
124 gitStream (Way Faster ColdFusion Git Merging) with Luke Kilpatrick
Luke Kilpatrick talks about “gitStream (Way Faster ColdFusion Git Merging)” in this episode of the ColdFusion Alive Podcast with host Michaela Light. “We’ll talk about cool things you can do with Git to speed up your whole merge process using a new tool called Git stream.” ContentsShow notesWhat is Git?Top CF source control softwareWhat are […]
123 State of CF Union Survey Analysis (part 2) with Gavin Pickin
Gavin Pickin talks about “State of CF Union Survey Analysis (part 2)” in this episode of ColdFusion Alive Podcast with host Michaela Light. “we’re going to be doing our second part on the state of the ColdFusion survey results. And we’ve got some very interesting data that we found we’ve done Gavin put together some […]
122 CFWheels ColdFusion Framework (new structure and features), with Peter Amiri
Peter Amiri talks about “CFWheels ColdFusion Framework (new structure and features)” in this episode of ColdFusion Alive Podcast with host Michaela Light. “…CFwheels is another ColdFusion framework. And it was originally modeled after Ruby on Rails. So if you remember back in the early 2000s, when Ruby on Rails came out, it was a complete […]
121 How to Get Your Next Ideal CF Job (using LinkedIn, Resume, GitHub), with Doug McCaughan
Doug McCaughan talks about “How to Get Your Next Ideal CF Job (using LinkedIn, Resume, GitHub)” in this episode of ColdFusion Alive Podcast with host Michaela Light. “…the company pivoted away from ColdFusion. And suddenly, after 12 years, you’re like, Oh, dear, I need to get a job…” ContentsShow notesA sudden need for a new […]