2018 was awesome! That’s the only thing I can say. I am blown away by the amount of energy and enthusiasm I have seen both from Adobe people and from CFers. In the last days of 2018 I am happily saying that ColdFusion is now more alive than ever. I will summarize sooo many great […]
CF Camp
CFCamp 2018: Madness in Munich – Recap Day 2
This article sadly marks the closing of our CFCamp 2018 in Munich. As the only CF conference in Europe, CFCamp had a pretty big responsibility to properly showcase ColdFusion and CFML in the region. It did not disappoint. Day 1 was chock full of great sessions along with two free premium goodies: a Yubikey and […]
CFCamp 2018: Madness in Munich – Recap Day 1
Hi there! This is Michaela Light. Unfortunately, I couldn’t make it personally to the CFCamp in Munich. However, my associate Paul has gone in my stead. And boy, from the pics and videos he’s been sending me. It looks like a great time and an informative one too. Let’s take a look at some of […]
CF Camp 2018: Madness in Munich Part Five- AngularJS + ColdFusion
Welcome to our final installment of CF Camp 2018: Madness in Munich! This is our series pertaining to all things CF Camp 2018, the only CF conference in Europe. In our fifth and final part, we look upon Nolan Erck’s upcoming session, AngularJS + ColdFusion. Here he will discuss getting started with AngularJS and building […]
CF Camp 2018: Madness in Munich Part Four- ORM–Love it or Hate it?
Hello and welcome back once again to our series, CF Camp 2018: Madness in Munich! Throughout the series, we have been discussing hot ticket items that will be discussed at this year’s upcoming CF Camp, the only CF conference in Europe. Today, we will be talking about ORM–or Object Relational Mapping. Often dubbed as the […]
CF Camp 2018: Madness in Munich Part Three- The #1 Monitoring Solution for ColdFusion
With the 2018 CF Camp in Munich inching ever closer, we now turn our sights to application performance monitoring. My good friend Charlie Arehart is going to be giving a great session on the #1 monitoring solution for CF and Lucee–FusionReactor. Charlie, along with Intergral CEO David Tattersall, will give us a breakdown on just […]
CF Camp 2018: Madness in Munich Part Two- Building APIs with CFFractal & ColdBox
Welcome back to our series, CF Camp 2018: Madness in Munich! This is our series that highlights some of the upcoming conference sessions at the ONLY CF conference in Europe. In Part One, we talked about the importance of Java security, how it pertains to ColdFusion, and the benefits of Elasticsearch. Today, we draw inspiration […]
CF Camp 2018: Madness in Munich Part One – JVM Security Management and Elasticsearch
With the 2018 CF Summit in Las Vegas being a huge success, we can now turn our eyes to the upcoming CF Camp in Munich. As the only major CF conference in Europe, you can bet there will be many great sessions coming up. Alexander Reelsen of Elasticsearch will be providing one of those. He […]
CF Camp 2018: The Only Adobe ColdFusion Conference in Europe
With only 9 weeks left to CFCAMP 2018, everyone is already buzzing about it. Since the venue has been changed, the organizers had a crazy ride and they were able to do it. Hopefully, from now on, it’s smooth sailing. CF Camp 2018 is the only ColdFusion conference in Europe. Since last year, a lot […]
CFCamp 2018 Announcements and Big Expectations
Contents“What is CFCamp”LocationCall for speakersPricing and ticketsAdditional information and helpBecome a sponsor “What is CFCamp” CFCamp was created with the purpose of providing general training for both beginner and advanced level CFML programmers. The conference began life in 2008 with 100 attendees and 9 sessions. In 2011 we revived the conference and hosted 120 attendees and 9 sessions. […]