This is a continuation of the TeraTech Development Approach as continued from last month.
4. Web Form Prototype
If all system requirements are encapsulated in the existing model, a prototype can be developed directly from the legacy forms and reports. A model of the system functions is prepared in HTML to illustrate the proposed form flow and processing.
The prototype contains no dynamic data. All data displayed is hard coded on the source forms. All links are local HTML forms that enables the demo to be executed on any computer with a browsers. The following features were implemented in this prototype:
-Develop a “wireframe”(skeleton view) of the system forms
-Select style sheets from the available set of NJ Sullivan style sheets that will support a general look and feel and be acceptable to the end users.
-For legacy systems, copy and imitate the layout of the existing system menu structure and forms.
-Attempt to copy the layout and flow of existing legacy forms where appropriate, recoding for section 508 issues.
-Employ common Web navigation patterns when the legacy form flow was inappropriate for a Web site. This results in minor changes in process flow due to the introduction of additional forms to simplify form processing.
The Web mockup is presented to the users for comment and correction. Since the Web site has been modeled on the legacy system form flow users are able to quickly understand how the proposed system will work. User request for changes or enhancements are made to the HTML prototype and agreed to before system development begins. The process of review and modification typically requires at least three iterations.
The Prototype becomes the basis for user acceptance of the new system design and function. The NJ Sullivan Task Order Managers can used the prototype as a benchmark for the identification of the formal requirements for the system. Based on the prototype the system architects are able to document the formal requirements artifacts needed to document the planned system, to develop system decision and flow diagrams, and develop accurate schedules for coding and deployment. It is also the model for he development of the formal system test scenarios.