Below are the results for the 2016 State of the CF Union survey. See how you compare with other CFML developers. Discover what most developers use for tools, languages, databases, and development methods.
Can you help? If you are on a ColdFusion list, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google group please share the survey so that we can get a more complete picture of the current State of the CF Union. Thanks!
Scroll down to see all results and comments.
1. What version of CFML Engine do you use? (Check all that apply)
2. Comment:
Currently upgrading from ACF and Railo to Lucee.
Use Commandbox which used Railo, haven't checked version lately
Running various version of CF on dev workstation, at work, and on websites that are personal projects.
We are about to begin migrating to CF 11, but have not started this process yet.
We're testing our apps w/ CF 12 pre-release.
Lucee for testing code and CF 8 for an old production system.
Migrating to Lucee as servers are replaced. Adobe CF is no longer cost-effective.
I use whichever version the client has. I run CF11.
have a few cf10 licenses, but most systems still on cf8
Lucee saved CFML
Lucee all the way now
We will be updating to CF 11 (or 12 if it comes out before I get around to the upgrade).
Moved to Lucee after working with ColdFusion for a while. Much prefer Lucee.
I would like the null attribute of the cfqueryparam to have an “auto” value. So that if an item is null (for date, numeric, etc) it changes the cfsqltype to null on-the-fly or rather “just works” and doesn't produce a screen error.
Lucee 5 is my prefered
Switched everything to Lucee and never looked back
About what? Cf in general? It's good….
Mostly CF10
Switched all our Railo servers to lucee
We're on CF 9 but about to upgrade to 11.
All CFML servers are now in maintenance mode. Upgrades are only made for security and compliance requirements. No new CFML development is taking place.
Ride it till the wheels fall off 😉
We are actively working on porting over to Lucee
adobe's pricing killed the platform.
We recently upgraded to CF11 and it was somewhat painful when combined with the CF11 lockdown guide.
We are migrating away from CF to Python and Node JS
All are on the way out. There is a universal desire to get rid of BlueDragaon ASAP.
In the process of moving to CF11
Migrating from Railo to Lucee not yet finished.
Love CF, less opportunities. Future unsecure.
Just shut down our last CF 9 server last month
I keep hearing that CF is going away…that's stressful considering all the things we've created, but it seems the company wants to move to other platforms, like I'm not an administrator, so our server and cfml engine is a guess.
Lucee is the future
I assume you mean “use” for production, as opposed to dev/test/research else I'd have picked 10, 9, railo, and lucee
We're moving from 9std to 11ent with a view of switching to 12ent when available.
Really miss it – I used to love programming in ColdFusion. 🙁
In process of migrating all applications to lucee
Love Lucee
We has lots o clients on lots o versions
phasing out cf9
In the middle of an upgrade from CF8 to CF11.
The Boeing Company will not be releasing ColdFusion 11 internally until March 2016 at the earliest.
Please make cf popular, unsecure feeling while working.
Moving away from BlueDragon to Lucee as fast as we can.
Would like to use cf 10 or 11, but cost is too high to upgrade on hosting server.
When it was time to upgrade from cf9 to cf11, the cost was so exorbitant that even the Fortune 50 company I work for couldn't afford it, so we switched to Lucee.
Started last year upgrading from CF 9.
We handle a multitude of clients. While we always attempt to get them to use the latest version of CF, budgets usually get in the way of that.
Mostly on Lucee now – CF9 is a legacy install I use for small proof of concept things.
specific CF/Flex bugs that were never fixed is preventing me from moving past CF10
Migrating from cf9 to cf11
I only use CF 8 because of legacy applications that clients do not want to pay to update.
Probably moving on to 11 by the Summer
CF 10 is the only one currently in production. CF 11 and Lucee 4.x are used in development. Considering moving to Lucee some time this year.
We love Cold Fusion! It is much easier to use than most Web Application development languages. Plus, it is as powerful as any language out there, more so than most! I have always been able to do anything I needed in CF and have not had to resort to any other languages to do something CF could not! The JavaScript and CF Script interface is great!
WIll be migrating to CF 11 later this year, hopefully.
My Office is on CF9, but we are moving to 11. My local machine has CF 10 on it. I also use Lucee 4.x when I bring up CommandBox.
Will be migrating to Lucee however initial migration plan was shelved due to ‘that blog post'
Honestly I only have 1 client on CF11. All other projects (and future ones) are on Lucee 4.x with intentions to move to Lucee 5 when it is more stable and feature complete.
Professionally, use CF9/10. Personally, I use Railo 4 and Lucee 4
Wanted to replace ColdFusion with Lucee.
Hoping to move to CF 11 or CF2016 later this year
3. What type of CFML Engine are you running? (Check all that apply)
4. What CF Server OS are you using? (Check all that apply)
Ubuntu Server
5. What OS do you run on your laptop/PC? (Check all that apply)
Mac as primary, Windows as VM
Linux through a VM (Vagrant+Oracle VirtualBox)
OSX on the metal, then VMWare and Vagrant for guest OS's to match my clients' needs
I have 3 laptops each have a different OS
Vagrant / Docker
VM – Ubuntu
6. What browsers/client platforms do you support in your apps? (Check all that apply)
Haven't built apps per se.
Latest versions only
I don't do frontends.
It depends on the needs of my clients.
All current browsers regardless of platform
android (native), android (chrome)
Support, as in “doing nothing uniquely for any, other than a mobile viewport”
Responsive Desgin for mobile
Any modern web browser
This is not really relevant to CFML-centric questions, is it?
7. Databases you use? (Check all that apply)
Elastic Search
AWS DynamoDB, AWS Elastic Cache
cloudant, azure sql
Maybe Apache Derby should be added to the list?
Again, assuming production, or I'd pick other db's and os's
Solid, Teradata
AWS Aurora (MySQL)
Redis, Elastic Search
Red Brick
elastic and solr (not CF version)
8. What code frameworks do you use? (Check all that apply)
Used to use ColdBox
Cms – PresideCMS
Django (
Custom In-House framework
SiteMaker CMS
Some apps use coldbox but older ones use none
“none” is only the case when I'm maintaining a legacy app for a client and am unable to convince them to use a framework
my own framework
Taffy, LogBox, DI/1
Framework/CMS DiiMES v18 (fw since 1999)
Home-grown MVC
CMS – Xindi
custom framework called Boaz
Homegrown Frameworks
Cold spring
Kind of came up with our own. Looking into FW1
CMS – PresideCMS (
Preside CMS
Home made CMS
wandsoft CMS over Neptune
preside cms
I don't need a framework for what I do, as I'm really only writing individual scripts.
9. What JavaScript libraries do you use? (Check all that apply)
prototype.js (trying to phase this out)
We still use Prototype in legacy code but are migrating to jQuery.
React JS
Custom written
jQuery Mobile
Homegrown, underscore library, node.js
React, flux, etc
require, react, redux
handlebars.js require.js
Built-in AJAX (non-Sencha Ext JS, YUI)
D3, cheerio,
prototype, scriptaculous
React.js, Ractive
Learning ReactJS
10. What CSS frameworks do you use? (Check all that apply)
Used to use 960Grid
jQuery UI
Custom written
Angular Material
Material Design
Daemonite Material;
our own
Semantic UI –
Pure CSS
Admin LTE (bootstrap derivative)
Bourbon, Neat
11. What CFC dependency injection frameworks do you use? (Check all that apply)
Used to use Coldspring
Custom DI implementation
Rely on CFWheels
It's “Dependency Injection”, btw.
12. Which persistence frameworks do you use(Check all that apply)?
Preside objects
home grown
Planning to remove transfer support in the future
I have a home-grown lightweight ORM that I use about 50% of the time.
built-in ORM (CFWheels)
Custom built similar to Reactor
FarCry Core FourQ
Farcry CRM has fourQ built in
FarCry Objectbroker
Rely on CFWheels
Custom/home grown
Custom/home grown
We wrote our own Data Mapper
cfwheels ORM
PresideCMS (Preside Object Framework)
Home grown
CFWheels' built-in ORM
ColdBox ORM
13. What testing and mocking frameworks do you use? (Check all that apply)
RocketUnit (embeded in CFWHeels)
Depends on what I'm able to convince the client to do.
Tiny Test
We've played with Selenium but haven't used it much yet.
Siesta (Bryntum) – best cross-lib ui + unit out there
custom scripts
Homegrown Unit Test
I should be
14. What CF features do you use for code reuse? (Check all that apply)
Bundles (custom framework)
built in functions written for Lucee
Once I went to stored procedures in sql server, I moved away from CFCs
CFincludes are the rartest (I only use them in a Mura theme for including the theme header/footer). Custom Tags are about the same — only for some UI pieces. Most of my modular work is either CFCs or UDFs
corporate espionage
15. What do you use for source code control? (Check all that apply)
Clear Case
tortoiseHg to be more specific
CA Harvest
SourceGear Vault
Self hosted on Atlassian Bitbucket Server (formerly known as Stash)
I also use Unfuddle regularly.
Beanstalk as our subversion server
Star Team (Awful!)
stash/bitbucket server
Smart SVN
Beanstalk SVN
playing with GitLab
Assembla – using GIT
HP TeamSite
Surround SCM
Until last year Borland StarTeam
Serena Dimensions
Serena PVCSVersion Manager
AWS CodeCommit
Beanstalk SVN
16. What tools/IDEs do you use? (Check all that apply)
Gnu Emacs
Also vim
These answers are only in re to CF.
CFEclipse for dev, Notepad++ on the server, Visual Studio for non-CF
ActiveState Komodo
SQLPro for MS Sql
microsoft sql server management studio
FirstPage 2000
Cold fusion studio
17. What Browser Dev Tools do you use? (Check all that apply)
ColdFire, Web Developer (Firefox plugin), SeeFusion
Paw json inspector
Opera / Chrome
NoCoffee, WebAIM (Chrome extensions)
AngularJS Chrome tool and Firebase Vulcan
18. How many years have you used CFML?
19. How many years have you used OO?
20. Other languages/environments you use? (Check all that apply)
Arduino equivalent of C++
Common Lisp
Bash Scripting
concidering Clojure
Swift, Objective C
Objective C
A little javascript
(Why is “AJAX” on this list? That's like listing “Browser”). Only the PHP option I selected reflects “in production”. The rest is investigative
21. How many CF developers at your organization?
Sometimes I hire part time CF guys for projects and the total goes up to 2 or 3
About 250
Don't know
none – we aren't allowed to use it anymore
Don't know.Just 3 left in our contract of 100+ employees
It's just me, messing around
22. How many total employees at your organization?
23. How often do you attend ColdFusion User Group meetings?
24. Which conferences do you attend? (Check all that apply)
local ad hoc
CF Meetups
I attended CFUN and CFUnited for several years, but have not gone in quite some time.
Scotch on the Rocks
Not much happening in Australia!
Fluent JS
I would love to join these selected conferences but they are just not happening in India.
Bring back CFUnited!
I want to attend but it will be an expense out of my own pocket
O'Reilly Fluent
Attended the cf summit once in 2014
Have previously attended cfObjective ANZ
O'Reilly FluentConf
I would like to go in the future. Just haven't had time (small kids).
DPM:UK, PipelineConf, smashingconf
None in the last year
Anything AWS or ReactJS
webDirections Code
AWS Summit
Angular Dev
Scotch on the Rocks
Haven't been for a few years
Not for years
Not every year. Just when I can
last attended CF con in MD in 2005
The Strange Loop
Previously Scotch.
Thunder Plains
NEJS Conf, TEDxOmaha, Nebraska.Code(), Bar Camp Omaha
An Event Apart
Used to go to conferences, but we're phasing out CF
Pipeline Conf, Crater Conf
AWS re:Invent
Amazon Re:Invent
whatever that's free and online
I have attended cf.objective() in the past
Poorly worded. Do you mean “every year”, or “last year” or “will attend this year”? All would have different answers from me.
None last couple of year's
User Group Conf
25. What type of mobile development frameworks are you using?
26. What are your current CFML Engine challenges? (Check all that apply)
Migrating from older versions of CF to new.
best cfreport
We have lost the CF battle here, and will be moving to a new language over the next 2 years
COST for Adobe CF
broken session replication in CF10
Lucee makes CFML cool again
getting old and new software to play together nicely
Security issues are my main problem. Some of the security tools are slow when applied to a large set of data, compared to other functions. Also documentation examples overall are pitiful. If I need to know how something works, I search elsewhere than documentation.
Lack of code analysis Tools
Not enough open source projects
CF has been good for me/us for the most part. Just wish it was more popular.
Concurrency framework
We've already shifted from CFML
portability, containerization, docker
Porting to Lucee from CF8
Adobe needs to open source their engine
poor AWS integration
Adobe seems to have deserted it. Sell more with DW crap.
affordable AWS options at startup scale
Adobe not knowing they could sell support for CF causes boss to ax future CF projects.
SOLR implementation in CF11
Lack of tooling
Shitty JSON support
Converting a legacy app to more modern style
Railo/Lucee Bugs
Online community answers
Adobe appears to be abandoning CF
json format
Management hates it. Thinks it's “insecure”.
Moving different direction than my orgs focus
Lack of communication from Adobe CF team
Integrating WebRTC
UCLA seems hellbent on developing in PHP
using older version when there's newer/better versions available
JSON key casing issues for building REST APIs to be consumed by javascript. Finding clear real world examples of how to write BDD unit tests as well as solid integration tests.
Slow to adopt to language changes. Still not free to use.
No adoption of a framework
Adobe not releasing ACE certification past CF9.
Concerns about the future since we are so dependant on CF
Too expensive
ACF is not open source, Lack of docker support, etc.
lack of built-in CF Server monitoring tools
new development all being done in Java, only maintaining CF code.
security fears and not much help with clearly defined security plans and recommendations
University no longer supports it and need to switch to a different technology
lack of core language improvement in the name of backward compatibility
Cloud support (bootscript/automated installation and config)
the divide between CF dev team and many developers.
all good, but amount of CF work decreaseing
I love CF but adobe needs to market this good product
27. What caching solutions are you using?
28. What miscellaneous frameworks/tools are you using?
29. What monitoring tools are you using?
30. What types of deployments do you use?
31. What do you use to build REST APIs?
32. Any additional comments?
We love CF and have no plans to move off it. We have yet to find anything faster for app development. For us the fact that it's ‘tag' based, I guess you'd say and not a scripting language per se, is an advantage over developing in more ‘modern', script or language based environments. We're a small company; we need to be able to be quick on our feet, and CF lets us do that.
I filled out this survey as if I was at my 2015 job. My current job is still new, and I don't do PHP programming here.
ColdBox is the key to legitimize OO in the CF world.
I love coldfusion, but everyone around me wants to move to PHP. I really don't want to. So i do all my freelance in CF.
adobe keeps adding features that are not useful, wont fix bugs (CFHTTP and NTLM) .. best thing they can do is make it open source
Regarding question 31, we use Mach II's REST API support, which is excellent.
Props to the team at ten24 for Slatwall … Perhaps an ecommerce section next year?
Looking forward to seeing more with CF 11.
You should have a section on salary/pay.
Wish CF would become more mainstream there it doesn't seem to be as in demand. On the flip side, since there aren't a ton of CF folks out there, when I apply for a CF job, I can almost always get a call to discuss the job!
security, security, security. Please read over my other typed-in comments. They are important – to me.
stop the dev team wasting time developing front end tools that will not be used such as mobile related features
I used to attend an Adobe User Group monthly until Adobe shut them down. I am fundamentally against the CF dev team spending time on UI tools like cfclient when there is so much work for them to do to bring cfscript's basic usability up to par.
I use CF10 for work and Lucee for my personal projects. I no longer use cfquery and instead use stored procedures called via the cfscript syntax exclusively.
We're getting ready to release a substantial CMS / CRM platform built in CF into open source.
Too many questions were restrictive in our case, eg mobile development. We don't do Native as everything is responsive.
Keep CF alive! We love it!
I'm absolutely done pretending to like CF. If I could move on from it, I would.
Lately it seems that some of the traditional anti cf bias that we hear from older developers is not as strong with younger developers.
Some general observations. Adobe either needs to invest more in Coldfusion or kill it off. We seem to be in a state of limbo with an understaffed Adobe CF development and product team that seems to be out of touch with the developer community.
Such a great platform so badly misused and ignored.
Question 25 needs an OTHER option, react native is my answer
Most development now is .NET but still have large ‘legacy' CF code.
Still using and love ColdFusion. Easy and fast development to deploy a myriad of web solutions easily.
–> Another option for question 31 “What do you use to build REST APIs?” Answer = Relaxation framework
I use cfwheels for REST AND ORM
I don't purchase Adobe products now. Shantanu Narayen should be fired for a lack of vision and now open source'ing CF. He's lost an entire sect of passionate developers. I feel like I wasted 10-12 years of my life
I love CF but the cost of the servers need to come down to get companies to use it again
Thanks for compiling this information 🙂
A decision was made above my head to move all our in-house tools and Intranet to Sharepoint. Which was all the stuff I was previously doing in CF. Not sure how much longer I will be able to take this survey.
Thanks for remembering CF
Still an awesome language, with some awesome people developing in it, just shame there's too few of us
This Survey is good information to what we should know about in CF-world. Great!
Thanks for “supporting”/caring about CF! (fwiw)
We're moving away from CF, I believe that will be largely complete by the end of this year. Sorry about not listing company information. The agency I work for prefers information to be close hold.
What about next time we include some questions to capture: – peoples enthusiasm for CFML; eg. why do you prefer using CFML – what the state of peoples projects are; are you maintaining, migrating from/to or building new apps in CFML – peoples involvement in OS; eg. are you using or contributing to CFML related OS projects
I am so fed up with Adobe that I am eager to see CF die. They seriously need to put CF source on Git and opensource it. What a freaking waste of time to learn this language
Sad to see the rapid decline of CF over the years. Lost my last job due to the language being pushed out and no one here has heard of it. We are now a .NET shop but I so miss CF and do all my individual projects with CF.
Coldfusion. A great language with very very poor documentation.
Would be nice if ColdFusion had a package manager comparable to NPM.
REST needs to be improved, it is shaky and we have to restart REST services all the time
Why is CF (or Builder) no longer included in Adobe's cloud-based solutions? Wouldn't that be a great way to promote the language to web developers who use their products?
You forgot continuous integration.
“What caching solutions are you using?” — should have an “Other” / write-in answer!
Just missing Adobe taking CF seriously and pushing it as a first class product. They missed the boat on major strengths like PDF and are trying to make up or it a bit now. Their beta programs aren't inspiring confidence at the moment but some bits are moving in the right direction like CLI.
Hi, I'm the organizer of CFCamp in Munich. If there's a way to work together or something I can help you, please feel free to contact me. I'm happy to help. Best regards, Michael Hnat
Adobe's lack of CF10 or CF11 ACE exam and certification is obnoxious beyond belief. Just seems like further proof of the death of CF. Systems certification is essential for US Government employees and contractors. Adobe should know its audience!
Based on Gartner research indicating ColdFusion is at the “Dusk of Obsolescence,†Boeing Information Technology declared the ColdFusion product as “Legacy†for web application development. No new application development for ColdFusion technology is authorized. Where the heck is Adobe and why aren’t they working with the Boeing Company to overturn this?
Well designed survey!
Moving off of CF mainly due to Adobe's aggressive pricing this year. We have adopted Django/Python as our replacement technology.
Here all cf projects getting converted to .net
We are very happy with Coldfusion, and it helps us accelerate development in many ways. Just want to make sure it stays around.
We also use PresideCMS Rest API (there was no “other” option). Looking forward to the future of CFML 🙂
I use more than one REST API but it would only let me select one.
25. Other – React Native
Thank you! Can't wait to see the results. Please email them out!
Trying to modernize our deployments to Docker now. Wish there was a good templating framework like Twig for CF.
After using CF for the past 10 years as the primary coding language, our company is turning away from CF. All new development is in PHP. We are going to continue to support our existing clients with the CF applications, but management feels that the clients are quite apprehensive to us using CF as it is a “dying” language.
Sean Corfield for president.
getting out of the cf business, too hard to find anyone with experience, CF is no longer in the front of the pack for features and ease of development.
Currently there is a high level management intention to stop using Cold Fusion in favor of other apps to integrate with our main campus systems (mostly PeopleSoft). They want to move more to more “modern” technologies like SalesForce and Cloud technologies. CF needs to radically upgrade into those areas, to survive.
It takes a bit of effort to find ColdFusion on the Adobe website! And it is misunderstood by many who simply hate it and don't even know why… I say get it out of Adobe's hands and into some other company that can appreciate the beauty of it and remarket/rebrand it to compete head on against .Net, PHP, et al.
Right now I am developing Flex applications for the government using CFCs and Oracle.
I didn't notice any mention of the CFML Slack group, but this has been an indispensable help for me since it was started. Being able to interact with so many key people within the CF community has been a breath of fresh air and I feel that I am pushing myself to be a better CF developer as a result of this.
We are migrating off CF to Node.js, there's just no CF developers anymore.
Need an “Other” field on mobile dev question, or an option that says “NativeScript”.
I think ColdFusion is still relevant, but the gap between developers and the CF Dev team is getting wider and because that, seems like more people are moving from CF to Lucee or away from CF all together. The use of Slack Channel has helped bring the devs together and we have Anit from Adobe to try to bring us all together. Looking forward to how Raijin turns out and how we can influence the next version of CF.
Glad Adam Cameron is stopping CF, maybe the community as a whole can start to heal from his years of negative post after negative post. He did more damage to CF than any other single factor IMO.
Cheers for this! I look forward to the results.
This survey is very centred on people who do CFML for their main job. I'm just a hobbyist.
please, we need a ide and best report engine!
And to continue learning how to make your ColdFusion apps more modern and alive, I encourage you to download our free ColdFusion Alive Best Practices Checklist.
Because… perhaps you are responsible for a mission-critical or revenue-generating CF application that you don’t trust 100%, where implementing new features is a painful ad-hoc process with slow turnaround even for simple requests.
What if you have no contingency plan for a sudden developer departure or a server outage? Perhaps every time a new freelancer works on your site, something breaks. Or your application availability, security, and reliability are poor.
And if you are depending on ColdFusion for your job, then you can’t afford to let your CF development methods die on the vine.
You’re making a high-stakes bet that everything is going to be OK using the same old app creation ways in that one language — forever.
All it would take is for your fellow CF developer to quit or for your CIO to decide to leave the (falsely) perceived sinking ship of CFML and you could lose everything—your project, your hard-won CF skills, and possibly even your job.
Luckily, there are a number of simple, logical steps you can take now to protect yourself from these obvious risks.
No Brainer ColdFusion Best Practices to Ensure You Thrive No Matter What Happens Next
ColdFusion Alive Best Practices Checklist
Modern ColdFusion development best practices that reduce stress, inefficiency, project lifecycle costs while simultaneously increasing project velocity and innovation.
√ Easily create a consistent server architecture across development, testing, and production
√ A modern test environment to prevent bugs from spreading
√ Automated continuous integration tools that work well with CF
√ A portable development environment baked into your codebase… for free!
Learn about these and many more strategies in our free ColdFusion Alive Best Practices Checklist.