You have a close decision to make on hiring a ColdFusion developer or several different ways to architect a program. If one sucked and the other was brilliant it would be easy (pick the brilliant one!) But often there are two or more options that are really close and it is hard to decide which […]
ColdFusion Developer
Do they think you are are a super human developer?
Have you been in this meeting? The big boss pressures the PM to pressure you to say that you can code anything. After all you are the expert right? They believe that developers can do anything, even the most ridiculous tasks. Of course, developers always do; they can do anything. They will ask you to build […]
Could peopleware bugs crash your project? (6 secret tips)
Your hardware is well tuned. Your software uses the latest techniques. But your projects still fail. Why? It probably is buggy peopleware. Peopleware are the political, culture and social issues in software development – which often gets a back seat to technical issues. Peopleware problems often are the key to why projects fail. Team dynamics […]
7 tips for using LinkedIn better
I recently have been studying how to use LinkedIn better and have been improving my profile. If anyone has any suggestions or feedback on it let me know. You can find me at And if it makes sense to you, you are welcome to link to me too! Things I have been using LinkedIn […]
17 ways to use Evernote for more productivity
Here are 17 of the ways I am using Evernote for. Interested to hear what else you are using for? my GTD lists saving interesting emails clipping interesting webpages clipping the sales confirmation page when I place an order online saving travel tickets/itinerary from airlines etc photographed all my old journals for 1) backup 2) […]
Seven Tips to Get Things Done with less Time and Stress
Getting Things Done is a method for processing the mountain of todos, emails, calls, letters and ideas that modern workers chose to do. Here are seven tips for GTD 1. write tasks that you can follow as if you’re a robot From The art of the doable list Think of your to-do list as […]
Four leadership skills even Attila the Hun could have used
Miki Saxon writes in her blog about four leaderships skills that even Attila the Hun could have used: leading people strategic planning inspiring commitment managing change “… it will be the executives and managers who get it; who understand that these skills need to be embedded in the company’s DNA; they are not CEO skills, […]
Back to the Future for Venture Capital
By Miki Saxon Hooray! Finally! It’s about time. For more than a decade my angel in vestor and many of our colleagues have been bemoaning what happened to the venture world. Call it the takeover of the walking investment banker. It started when the name partners wanted to kick back a bit. That made sense, […]
TGIT 80/20 Principle Talk
I recently spoke on the 80/20 principle at the spiritual business group TGIT – Thank God It’s Thursday TGIT is part Book Reading Club, part Support Group and part Mastermind Group that puts us – the participants – in touch with our Deepest Essence through sharing, reflecting on, and applying wisdom from some of […]
The Mood Cure Quiz: The Four Part Mood-Type Questionnaire
Write down the number next to each symptom that you identify with. Total your score in each section and compare it to the cut-off score. If your score is over the cut-off, or if you have only a few of the symptoms described in a section, but they bother you (or those close to […]