- Word
- I would develop in CF as a hobby or do more sidework, including pushing clients to CF, if hosting was affordable.
- Moving to Lucee ASAP due to Adobe aggression. Eventually away from CF entirely due to difficulty in finding experienced talent.
- Fyi - Some of the questions didn't apply. I am currently retired and developing on my own. I have switched to using Lucee and MySQL due to cost. Using Visual Studio Code as my IDE due to cost. I am not a fan of Adobe's insistence that we have to use the cloud for development. I am working towards providing small business an alternative to using the cloud and using open source in order to control costs. We as CFML developers need to provide to our clients and businesses an alternative to using Adobe or other languages.
- We are in the process of migrating from CF to .NET core. After having more than 10 years of experience, its difficult to give up that experience but as a CF developer I need to think of my future. I was in the job hunt for 4 months and luckily I was able to get a job. My new company (yet to join) is hiring me due to I am having experience in .net core, so they can migrate from CF. My job hunt was not that great at all. Most of the jobs are in east course and most of them are govt jobs. They are not even 5 jobs in California (Whole state), Texas(Tech companies moving here), New York, Seattle or Chicago where other languages have plenty of jobs available. I really wish CF do well, it served me very well. Thank you for creating this survey.
- I love cf. But my company is now stuck on a vicious cycle where a) they have not been able to afford to keep up the licensing that they would need, leading to a massive outdated codebase and performance issues so b) all the non cf developers speak of it with derision because of this. I try to remind them when performance issues arise that maybe this wouldn't be an issue if we weren't on such an old version, but the funds are not there.
- How well both ACF and Lucee handle serverless/lambda will determine how much of a future CFML has going forward. Doing my first major project on Lucee after 21 years as solely a ACF developer. If Lucee had much better error messages and logs as good as ACF it would quadruple in market share. Seems like only Java developers find them adequate. But developers don't like to waste time on such stuff sadly.
- You killed yourself by making the servers too expensive. Make the servers WAY cheaper (read: 95%) and you have a chance of competing against .Net core, python, Ruby and PHP. Otherwise, just watch your business slowly die (as you have for the past 15 years). Honestly, what do you have to lose at this point?
- If not for Lucee we would be off CFML faster than you can blink an eye. We just principally don't believe in paying for a programming language. Period. Even if ACF cost $20 per year we would be out. For us, there's really nothing any CFML engine does (or could do) that can justify ANY cost. We can do everything just as quickly and easily in Python, Node, Ruby, etc. So while we enjoy programming in CFML, we wouldn't lose a bit of sleep flipping the switch to something else. So as long as there is a current/maintained FOSS engine, we will continue to program in CFML.
- Thank you for continuing to do this.
- You need to fix the question about source control, it doesn't list Git, only git hosting services, but does list other source control software, like Mercurial, SVN and CVS, plus it lists things that are not source control, like Beyond Compare and zip files. I would suggest splitting this into two questions next year, one for the source control system used and one for the source control hosting service used.
- none
- I use Lucee at home now, CF11/CF2018 at working (we're migrating slowly) I think it's great, but I'm growing tired of fighting against all the weird negativity around it. I hope Lucee can change the view of CFML. I don't mind being contacted about any of my answers, but I don't think any answer I've given is particularly interesting! Thanks for doing the survey.
- Try to give chances for CF freelancer. Because we can easy find a other language free lancer dev. But CF won't. So if small level dev get a chance like me 🙂 then we increase the CF dev count. Getting projects it too difficult. Thank you.
- Still i am a developer, so i just did the survey based what i have used till now
- What happened to all the Books? Where is the EdX, Udemy and Coursera courses? Why isn't there a dev version of the API Manager? Why isn't their full type-ahead in CFSCRIPT block in CFBuilder like in Visual Studio and Sublime Text - Thank you,
- I have enjoyed a few of your youtube casts (eg with Nolan) - it would be even better if you were able to show some coding in your videos too (ie the actual code you're discussing). thanks very much.
- Too many companies (this one included) seem "eager" to switch to .NET yet don't really understand what they're getting themselves into. If there was a truly GOOD comparison of CF vs. Dot Net, it might help.
- We need a quality Linting tool and a live debugger.
- I think it is really sad that Adobe does a terrible job of marketing this super powerful and easy to use solution especially to startups and educational institutions... This would both fan the flames of the solution being more mainstream and hopefully create a larger community of entry level programmers to feed other dev teams around the world as needed.
- ColdFusion is past its prime and is no longer applicable. Only work in it to support legacy systems. It doesn’t have the architecture and open source nature to support modern microservices architecture. It still assumes monolith big server running lots of apps instead of lots of small applications independent in code base running in containers or as independent compiled applications running behind reverse proxy. It also doesn’t have default tooling like test framework for unit testing (TDD).
- I think the CF/Lucee community really needs a MAJOR tech vendor or platform to embrace CF and promote it as a great solution. Otherwise, it is going to continue to be seen as a back end legacy platform.
- Thanks for Lucee! Kudos to the team!
- It would be nice to be able to rank the choices in questions 40 and 41 and I think it would give you more insight.
- Seriously, you need to address the pricing and the grow the community. No one wants to pay those prices for the features in Enterprise. Sure, my company uses ACF, i need to use Lucee because its too expensive for hosting or a license of enterprise. Everyone thinks its old, not sure why because python, php are all just as old. People don't want to use CF because they think its old. It's hard for me to keep the company positive on it even though it works. Adobe is not doing a good enough job showing IT that CF is NOT OLD, NOT DYING. I know you try to bust the myth, but it isn't working.
- Join the CF Alive revolution
Below are the partial results to date for the 2020 State of the CF Union survey. See how you compare with other CFML developers. Discover what most developers use for tools, languages, database and development methods.
Can you help? If you have a blog, are on a ColdFusion list, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google group please share the survey so that we can get a more complete picture of the current State of the CF Union. Thanks!
1. What version of CFML Engine do you use? (Check all that apply)
CommandBox |
CommandBox |
2. What type of CFML Engine are you running? (Check all that apply)
3. What CF Server OS are you using (Check all that apply)?
4. What OS do you run on your laptop/PC? (Check all that apply)
ChromeOS |
5. What browsers/client platforms do you support in your apps? (Check all that apply)
all |
Brave |
Brave |
Brave |
Brave |
Brave |
Brave |
Brave |
Brave |
Brave Browser |
cCleaner browser |
Dissenter |
Dissenter |
Edge Classic (different from edge) |
N/a, no special browser support |
We don't create apps |
6. Databases you use? (Check all that apply)
Edge Classic (different from edge) |
7. What MVC Frameworks do you use? (Check all that apply)
Custom |
custom framework |
Diimes |
Farcry |
FarCry |
FarCry |
FarCry Core |
Home Grown | | |
Kendo MVVM |
Mach-II is legacy being upgraded to coldbox |
Own |
self develop |
8. What ColdFusion-based CMS do you use? (Check all that apply)
A CMS that is not CF based |
Adobe AEM (their CMS offering) |
Airtable |
Diimes |
Drupal |
Drupal |
Dynasite |
NA |
none |
PowerSites |
self develop |
Visual Studio |
Wandsoft |
Wheelie CMS |
WordPress |
9. What JavaScript libraries do you use? (Check all that apply)
(should be called Angular without "JS" today) |
Ajax |
alpaca.js |
Angular |
Angular |
Angular |
Angular 7+ |
Handlebars |
Highcharts |
Home Grown |
Inertia.js, Nuxt.js |
Intercoolerjs |
jqx |
mootools |
mustache |
Nuxt |
Nuxt.js |
Rarely used |
Semantic UI |
10. What CSS frameworks do you use? (Check all that apply)
zurb foundation |
w3.css |
Vuetify.js |
Vuetify, vue bootstrap |
Vuetify |
USDSv1 |
US Web Design System |
uikit |
TailwindUI |
TailwindCSS |
Tailwindcss |
Tailwind |
Tailwind |
Tailwind |
Tailwind |
tailwind |
Tailwind |
Tailwind |
tailwind |
Tailwind |
Tailwind |
Tachyons |
Sticker |
Simple Grid |
Semanticui |
11. What CFC dependency injection frameworks and tools do you use? (Check all that apply)
Home Grown |
self develop |
12. Which persistence frameworks do you use? (Check all that apply)
cfmlDataMapper |
FarCry Core |
FarCry Core |
FarCry ORM |
Hibernate in Groovy/Java/Spring layer |
jwt |
QB |
13. What testing and mocking frameworks do you use? (Check all that apply)
cfwheels |
Custom |
Cypress |
Cypress |
Cypress |
Cypress |
Cypress |
Cypress |
Fortify |
Home grown unit testing |
Homegrown | |
Internal |
Katalon Studio |
Siesta |
14. What type of CF Mobile development frameworks are you using? (Check all that apply)
Basic4Android |
Bootstrap |
Custom/home grown |
ExtJs |
flutter |
Flutter |
Flutter |
Flutter |
Flutter | |
Just good responsive HTML |
Kendo Mobile |
Native script |
Non-CF mobile development |
Not doing "CF Mobile" development |
not doing mobile dev as of now |
Quasar |
Quasar with Cordova |
react native |
React Native |
React native |
React Native |
React Native, Flutter |
Several |
15. What miscellaneous frameworks/tools are you using? (Check all that apply)
CFLint |
DevExtreme |
Docker |
FusionReactor |
FusionReactor |
Homegrown |
Taffy |
Taffy |
TestBox |
16. What CF features do you use for code reuse? (Check all that apply)
copy/paste |
Lucee CFC Based CustomTags |
My own homegrown solution |
soap & RESTful |
17. What do you use for source code control? (Check all that apply)
Assembla |
AWS CodeCommit |
AWS CodeCommit (Git) |
AWS Git |
Azure Dev Ops Git |
Azure DevOps |
Azure devops |
Beanstalk |
Beanstalk SVN |
CodeCommit |
CodeCommit |
CodeCommit |
CodeCommit |
CodeCommit (AWS) |
CrashPlan PRO |
Custom app that essentially zips up folders whenever we deploy code |
Git |
Git |
Git hosted with Unfuddle |
Git on Microsoft DevOps |
Git server standalone |
GitKraken |
Home Grown |
Local Git |
Microsoft DevOps |
18. What tools/IDEs do you use? (Check all that apply)
VS Codium |
Vim |
Vim |
textastic ( |
neovim, vim |
I would still love to be using cfStudio/Homesite |
EditPad |
dbeaver |
CoffeeCup HTML Editor |
Arachnophilia |
19. What browser Dev Tools do you use? (Check all that apply)
Brave |
BrowserStack, Edge Dev Tools |
Chromium |
Edge Chromium |
Edge Dev Tools |
Edge Dev tools |
Edge Dev Tools (not Edge Classic) |
MS Edge (Chromium) Dev Tools |
Postman Interceptor |
20. What do you use to build REST APIs? (Check all that apply)
.NET |
.NET |
ASP.NET Core |
CF API Manager |
FarCry Core |
FarCry Core API plugin |
Laravel, Spring |
Need Dev CF API Manager |
Paw |
Postman for documentation and testing |
Powernap, though we will likely transition away soon |
Preside Data API |
Preside REST API and Preside DATA APIs |
Preside REST extension |
Relaxation |
Relaxation |
Relaxation (=REST framework for CFML) |
21. What caching solutions are you using? (Check all that apply)
Akamai |
AWS Cloudfront |
Built in CF Caching features |
cf_cache I think from Hal Helms |
Cloudflare |
CloudFlare |
custom |
Farcry |
FarCry Object Broker |
homegrown |
Java Soft Cache |
Ortus Redis |
22. How many years have you used CFML? (Check one)
23. How many years have you used OO? (Check one)
24. Other languages/environments you use? (Check all that apply)
Bash |
Bash/Shell Scripting |
Basic4Android |
dart |
Dart, Flutter |
Delphi |
Django |
Elixir |
Expo |
F# |
Flutter |
Flutter/Dart |
Lua |
Objective-C |
Powershell |
Rust |
Rust |
Swift |
Swift |
Swift UI |
Trying to learn Rust |
Typescript |
Typescript |
TypeScript |
UE4 Visual Scripting (Blueprint) |
25. How many CF developers at your organization? (Check one)
100+ |
102 |
Not sure |
26. How many total employees at your organization? (Check one)
27. How often do you attend ColdFusion User Group meetings? (Check one)
28. Which CF conferences will/did you attend this year? (Check all that apply)
Adobe Summit 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 |
CFSummit East |
Into The Box Latam |
NCDevCon? |
None in AU region |
Whichever ones my company sends me to |
29. What online CF communities do you participate in? (Check all that apply)
If other, please specify |
Adobe Pre-release forum |
Ben Nadel website |
Box Team Slack |
boxteam slack |
CF Meetup |
CF User Group |
cf-brasil |
GitHub |
My blog |
ortus solutions slack |
Preside slack |
Seattle ColdFusion User Grouo |
If other, please specify |
30. I listen to the CF Alive podcast (Check one)
31. I listen to the Modernize or Die Podcast (Check one)
32. What types of DEVELOPMENT setups do you use? (Check all that apply)
A copy of the folder on the prod server |
Amazon Workspace |
And uat |
Local VM's that mirror our production environments |
Parallel Desktop |
Parallels |
Remove development servers for each dev |
scripted AWS instance deploys |
33. What types of PRODUCTION deployments do you use? (Check all that apply)
AWS Elastic Beanstalk via Jenkins |
Azure |
Azure devops |
Azure VMs + Azure DBs |
Didn't understand the question |
Hostek |
Infrastructure via Ansible |
never did |
This list is useless... no google, no azure, no alibaba (3 of 4 biggest clouds)... seriously... |
U-Deploy |
34. What hosting services do you use for your PRODUCTION deployments? (Check all that apply)
123 Reg |
Ayera |
CenturyLink Cloud |
Client Specific |
Cogego Peer 1 |
ColdFusion Dynamics |
Contabo |
Contabo, Contech Lab |
Corporate |
DataBank |
Dedicated server on |
Didn't understand the question |
Digicert |
Digital Ocean |
Fasthosts, Easyspace |
Flexential |
Gearhost |
Glesys, |
GoDaddy |
GoWest |
Hetzner |
Hetzner |
hivelocity |
hostEurope | / Ntirety |
35. What Docker Image(s) are you using? (Check all that apply)
Docker fridus/coldfusion9 |
Dreamstime |
Mura CMS |
Not sure |
wordpress |
36. What deployment/build tools do you use? (Check all that apply)
Ansible |
Ansible |
AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS CodePipeline |
AWS CodeDeploy |
Azure Dev Ops Pipelines |
Azure devops |
Azure devops |
Azure DevOps |
Azure pipelines |
bash |
Bash Scripts |
bash-scripts |
BB Pipelines |
Beanstalk |
beanstalk app |
Beanstalk, Webpack |
Bitbucket Pipelines |
Bitbucket Pipelines |
Bitbucket Pipelines |
BitBucket Pipelines |
Bitbucket Pipelines |
Bitbucket pipelines |
BitBucket Pipelines |
BitBucket pipelines |
Bitbucket Pipelines |
37. What monitoring tools are you using? (Check all that apply)
? |
3rd party service |
A series of in-house written scripts |
AWS monitoring endpoints |
Azure |
cloudwatch |
CloudWatch |
CloudWatch |
Custom |
Custom |
custom |
Custom |
custom built curl script |
Custom, AWS monitoring, and several third-party tools not listed here. |
DataDog |
Datadog |
Datadog HQ |
Daynatracert |
Don't know, different team |
Elastic APM Kibana |
Foglight |
Glowroot |
38. How do you lock down your servers for security? (Check all that apply)
auto lockdown tool (adobe) |
AWS Security Groups, Router based rule-sets |
Don't know, different team |
Follow DISA STIG |
Fortify |
HackmyCF / Pete Frietag |
hostek takes care of this (i think) |
Modified STIG on the StigViewer site for CF 11 |
Most of lockdown guide, other custom config. |
Not, really sure |
RO filesystem, basic common sense. |
39. Have your CF servers suffered from a hacking exploit in the last 2 years due to a CF-based vector? (Remember, this is anonymous) (Check all that apply)
CVE-2018-15961 |
Don't know |
Don't know, different team |
I don't know |
No, but they're behind firewall |
Not, really sure |
We use BugBounty to identify things. So, yes, and no. |
Who knows!!! |
yes |
40. What aspects of CF are keeping you and/or your company using it? (Check all that apply)
Basically we are stuck. I would NEVER start a new project in CF. |
But due to cost and less marketing by Adobe for companies already using it, companies are moving towards open source without seeing the benefits of ColdFusion |
Cf is being decommissioned at Wells Fargo |
Code base too extensive to consider migrating to something else |
Cost to Convert |
ease of use |
Easier than switching. |
existing production code in CF |
familiar and capable |
Flexible transaction engine. Robust |
Huge legacy code |
It pays well |
It's the language that I know |
It's what I know. |
java integration |
Legacy |
Legacy |
legacy apps |
Legacy code |
Legacy code |
Legacy Code |
legacy code |
Legacy code |
N/A |
n/a |
41. What aspects of CF are preventing you or your company from embracing CF? (Check all that apply)
,net core is killing us right now |
.NET town has bias against CF including members of our leadership team |
ACF is in absolute shambles, ORM is broken, Closures are broken, simple bugs go unfixed for YEARS |
Adobe needs to do a much better job at marketing |
Adobe New Feature Developers Build in a Vacuum |
Adobe support, quality and documentation has gone down in recent years |
Adobe's aggressive licensing tactics and pricing |
Adobe's poor support and marketing of the technology |
Cost |
Cost |
cost |
Cost |
Cost |
Cost |
Cost of Adobe CF |
Expensive licensing |
Huge increased cost of ownership |
I like that Lucee is open source, but the user and maintainer community is too small for the software to be great |
IDE Slow and Limited Linting, Debugging Missing |
In Enterprise, it's either Java or C#... 🙁 |
Infrastructure refuses to provide support |
It is sometimes a bit slow, because Java |
Lack of Quickstart tools, like a Lucee AMI |
Less marketing and value by Adobe Sales team for CF |
Licensing cost |
42. What is your approximate salary range in USD? (Remember, this is anonymous) (Check one)
No |
no thanks |
none of your business |
Private |
rather not say |
43. What is your current arrangement for CF work? (Check all that apply)
44. What percentage of your PROFESSIONAL development time is spent on CFML (as opposed to other languages)? (Check one)
45. What percentage of your HOBBY development time is spent on CFML (as opposed to other languages)? (Check one)
46. Any additional comments?
I would develop in CF as a hobby or do more sidework, including pushing clients to CF, if hosting was affordable.
Moving to Lucee ASAP due to Adobe aggression. Eventually away from CF entirely due to difficulty in finding experienced talent.
Fyi - Some of the questions didn't apply. I am currently retired and developing on my own. I have switched to using Lucee and MySQL due to cost. Using Visual Studio Code as my IDE due to cost. I am not a fan of Adobe's insistence that we have to use the cloud for development. I am working towards providing small business an alternative to using the cloud and using open source in order to control costs.
We as CFML developers need to provide to our clients and businesses an alternative to using Adobe or other languages.
We are in the process of migrating from CF to .NET core. After having more than 10 years of experience, its difficult to give up that experience but as a CF developer I need to think of my future. I was in the job hunt for 4 months and luckily I was able to get a job. My new company (yet to join) is hiring me due to I am having experience in .net core, so they can migrate from CF.
My job hunt was not that great at all. Most of the jobs are in east course and most of them are govt jobs. They are not even 5 jobs in California (Whole state), Texas(Tech companies moving here), New York, Seattle or Chicago where other languages have plenty of jobs available. I really wish CF do well, it served me very well.
Thank you for creating this survey.
I love cf. But my company is now stuck on a vicious cycle where a) they have not been able to afford to keep up the licensing that they would need, leading to a massive outdated codebase and performance issues so b) all the non cf developers speak of it with derision because of this. I try to remind them when performance issues arise that maybe this wouldn't be an issue if we weren't on such an old version, but the funds are not there.
You killed yourself by making the servers too expensive.
Make the servers WAY cheaper (read: 95%) and you have a chance of competing against .Net core, python, Ruby and PHP.
Otherwise, just watch your business slowly die (as you have for the past 15 years).
Honestly, what do you have to lose at this point?
If not for Lucee we would be off CFML faster than you can blink an eye. We just principally don't believe in paying for a programming language. Period. Even if ACF cost $20 per year we would be out. For us, there's really nothing any CFML engine does (or could do) that can justify ANY cost. We can do everything just as quickly and easily in Python, Node, Ruby, etc. So while we enjoy programming in CFML, we wouldn't lose a bit of sleep flipping the switch to something else. So as long as there is a current/maintained FOSS engine, we will continue to program in CFML.
Thank you for continuing to do this.
You need to fix the question about source control, it doesn't list Git, only git hosting services, but does list other source control software, like Mercurial, SVN and CVS, plus it lists things that are not source control, like Beyond Compare and zip files. I would suggest splitting this into two questions next year, one for the source control system used and one for the source control hosting service used.
I use Lucee at home now, CF11/CF2018 at working (we're migrating slowly)
I think it's great, but I'm growing tired of fighting against all the weird negativity around it. I hope Lucee can change the view of CFML.
I don't mind being contacted about any of my answers, but I don't think any answer I've given is particularly interesting!
Thanks for doing the survey.
Try to give chances for CF freelancer. Because we can easy find a other language free lancer dev. But CF won't. So if small level dev get a chance like me 🙂 then we increase the CF dev count. Getting projects it too difficult. Thank you.
Still i am a developer, so i just did the survey based what i have used till now
What happened to all the Books? Where is the EdX, Udemy and Coursera courses? Why isn't there a dev version of the API Manager? Why isn't their full type-ahead in CFSCRIPT block in CFBuilder like in Visual Studio and Sublime Text -
Thank you,
I have enjoyed a few of your youtube casts (eg with Nolan) - it would be even better if you were able to show some coding in your videos too (ie the actual code you're discussing). thanks very much.
Too many companies (this one included) seem "eager" to switch to .NET yet don't really understand what they're getting themselves into. If there was a truly GOOD comparison of CF vs. Dot Net, it might help.
We need a quality Linting tool and a live debugger.
I think it is really sad that Adobe does a terrible job of marketing this super powerful and easy to use solution especially to startups and educational institutions... This would both fan the flames of the solution being more mainstream and hopefully create a larger community of entry level programmers to feed other dev teams around the world as needed.
ColdFusion is past its prime and is no longer applicable. Only work in it to support legacy systems. It doesn’t have the architecture and open source nature to support modern microservices architecture. It still assumes monolith big server running lots of apps instead of lots of small applications independent in code base running in containers or as independent compiled applications running behind reverse proxy. It also doesn’t have default tooling like test framework for unit testing (TDD).
I think the CF/Lucee community really needs a MAJOR tech vendor or platform to embrace CF and promote it as a great solution. Otherwise, it is going to continue to be seen as a back end legacy platform.
Thanks for Lucee! Kudos to the team!
It would be nice to be able to rank the choices in questions 40 and 41 and I think it would give you more insight.
Seriously, you need to address the pricing and the grow the community. No one wants to pay those prices for the features in Enterprise. Sure, my company uses ACF, i need to use Lucee because its too expensive for hosting or a license of enterprise.
Everyone thinks its old, not sure why because python, php are all just as old. People don't want to use CF because they think its old. It's hard for me to keep the company positive on it even though it works.
Adobe is not doing a good enough job showing IT that CF is NOT OLD, NOT DYING. I know you try to bust the myth, but it isn't working.
Total number of responses
Join the CF Alive revolution
Discover how we can all make CF more alive, modern and secure this year. Join other ColdFusion developers and managers in the CF Alive Inner Circle today.- Get early access to the CF Alive book and videos
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- There is no cost to membership.