- CF is ALIVE!
- I started using CF in 1996 and still use it nearly every day. I built my business around it and spend most of my time running my business and doing maintenance coding and adding new features. I've used fusebox for a LONG time.
- Watching the latest 2020 beta with interest
- I love CF! Sadly, management is pushing for us to move to Wordpress/PHP in the very near future. Our developers tried to make the case to stick with our current path, but management already had their minds made up by the time they told us.
- There is a need for more ColdFusion Users groups support from Adobe
- Lucee is now preferred server, we strongly encourage all CFdevs to contribute to this project through the Open Collective.
- in my opinion, we need frameworks such as CFWheels to ditch jQuery in favor of React, Vue, etc to create JavaScript enhanced view pages.
- Thank you for doing this! I look for to it yearly! Brandon
- I freaking love ColdFusion. And, I love how much Ortus Solution is pulling this community into the modern age, kicking and screaming!
- Thank you
- No.
- No
- cf still rocks. fast as fnck. i do financial stuff, things have gone 100% client/js. i still like cf. just need to be able to afford food for kids. cf stuff is becoming rare. beed in it since 1998 cf 2.0 Allaire like Jesus needs to return..
- Thanks for keeping the CF torch burning 🙂
- Thanks.
- How CFML handles the transition to serverless will determine its future viability. Adobe's refusal to allow anything but enterprise on the cloud negates a lot of the good work of the CF team.
- I am FULL STACK SENIOR COLDFUSION developer. I have more than 17 years experience to work on LARGE SCALE applications with BIG TEAMS all over the world. I LOVE TO WORK WITH COLDFUSION. Have a look into my following profile: I maintained really good repute by providing QUALITY work on TIME.
- I'd like to know how people are warding off attempts to move too low-code solutions like PowerApps.
- I love CFML, I've been using it since Macromedia owned it. We need a marketing campaign that let's the business world know that it's still here and still supported. No one other than CFML developers think it's still a thing.
- Great survey, long live CF (esp. Lucee)!
- I think you should focus on making all current features 100% bulletproof before adding new features. It is scary to update to new versions as things break. For example, I use a lot of PDF stuff and one of the upgrades changed how every PDF looked. Impossible to change hundreds of source files so I downgraded. Will work on it when I have time. New releases that have potential to break code should have a warning and tips on how to fix it
- Easy integration with java
- I run a customized version of Lucee 5.3 that I made which reduces the chance that it will ever become unsupported while I'm using it. I patched or removed several of the complexities and problems it had that I don't need. I'm Bruce Kirkpatrick, sometimes I talk on the Lucee forum. I don't see CFML as a third party thing to worry about anymore having made it my own thanks to the quality of the open source project and my desire to learn Java & JVM bytecode. I felt like it was more important to lock down what I need and keep it stable then to have new features, or bloat.
- Finding ColdFusion work is almost impossible these days.
- Adobe should market CF more and should focus on not loosing relations with the organisation already using it and should focus on it by highlighting benefits which organisations are not aware of because they only see the license cost and no one from Adobe is doing the job highlight the other side of using CF.
- Join the CF Alive revolution
Below are the partial results to date for the 2020 State of the CF Union survey. See how you compare with other CFML developers. Discover what most developers use for tools, languages, database and development methods.
Can you help? If you have a blog, are on a ColdFusion list, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google group please share the survey so that we can get a more complete picture of the current State of the CF Union. Thanks!
1. What version of CFML Engine do you use? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
2. What type of CFML Engine are you running? (Check all that apply)
3. What CF Server OS are you using (Check all that apply)?
4. What OS do you run on your laptop/PC? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
5. What browsers/client platforms do you support in your apps? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
6. Databases you use? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
7. What MVC Frameworks do you use? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
8. What ColdFusion-based CMS do you use? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
9. What JavaScript libraries do you use? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
10. What CSS frameworks do you use? (Check all that apply)
SemanticUI |
Semantic UI |
Semantic React |
Semantic |
Own Framework |
New CSS Core |
Materialize |
Material |
Material |
Less |
Homegrown |
Foundation |
ExtJS Framework Themes |
Bulma, tailwind |
Bulma |
Angular Material |
angular material |
11. What CFC dependency injection frameworks and tools do you use? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
12. Which persistence frameworks do you use? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
13. What testing and mocking frameworks do you use? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
14. What type of CF Mobile development frameworks are you using? (Check all that apply)
We use Kendo UI for mobile web |
Xamarin |
Xamarin |
Xamarin |
xamarin. but the cf portion is the api |
15. What miscellaneous frameworks/tools are you using? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
16. What CF features do you use for code reuse? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
17. What do you use for source code control? (Check all that apply)
MS devOps |
Perforce |
Personal Git server |
Phabricator |
Plastic SCM |
ProjectLocker |
Self-Hosted Gitlab |
self-hosted: Gitea |
SourceTree |
SourceTree |
Vault |
18. What tools/IDEs do you use? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
19. What browser Dev Tools do you use? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
20. What do you use to build REST APIs? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
21. What caching solutions are you using? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
22. How many years have you used CFML? (Check one)
23. How many years have you used OO? (Check one)
24. Other languages/environments you use? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
25. How many CF developers at your organization? (Check one)
No entries match your request. |
26. How many total employees at your organization? (Check one)
27. How often do you attend ColdFusion User Group meetings? (Check one)
28. Which CF conferences will/did you attend this year? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
29. What online CF communities do you participate in? (Check all that apply)
If other, please specify |
No entries match your request. |
If other, please specify |
30. I listen to the CF Alive podcast (Check one)
31. I listen to the Modernize or Die Podcast (Check one)
32. What types of DEVELOPMENT setups do you use? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
33. What types of PRODUCTION deployments do you use? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
34. What hosting services do you use for your PRODUCTION deployments? (Check all that apply)
HostMedia |
HostNexus |
ibm |
IBM (SoftLayer) |
IBM Cloud |
IBM Cloud |
In-house |
interlake, centinated, nimblu |
Internal |
Irish owned data centers |
KeyInfo Hosting |
LiquidWeb |
local dedicated server provider |
Local Hosting |
Macstadium |
Memset |
memset |
Netcup |
No |
none |
None—We host in-house. |
Not sure |
NTT, Liquid Web |
OHV, Hetzner |
35. What Docker Image(s) are you using? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
36. What deployment/build tools do you use? (Check all that apply)
BitBucket Pipelines |
Bitbucket pipelines |
Bitbucket Pipelines |
Bitbucket Pipelines - CI |
BitBucket WebHooks |
Buddy |
Buddy.Works |
Capistrano |
CodeKit?! |
Complex, homegrown, git-based deploy app. |
Custom |
Custom Bash scripts |
custom cfml to pull and deploy from bitbucket |
Deploybot |
Deploybot |
deploybot |
Deploybot |
deploybot, bitbucket piplines |
DeployHQ |
Gitea | |
Home grown |
Homegrown |
Homegrown |
Homegrown bash and JS scripts |
37. What monitoring tools are you using? (Check all that apply)
Grafana/Zabbix |
Home Grown (free and almost as good as paid) |
home-grown processes/tools |
homegrown |
Homegrown |
homegrown |
hosting company |
Hosting company monitors |
Ichinga |
In built |
Internal |
Kibana |
LogicMonitor, Logly, OpsGenie |
Luce performance plugin |
Lucee admin (5.3) |
Lucee runs like a dream. I never have problems. Even better on Linux. |
manual |
Munin tomcat |
Nagios |
Nagios |
Panopta |
Perfmon |
Performance of server (memory and CPU) |
pingdom |
38. How do you lock down your servers for security? (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
39. Have your CF servers suffered from a hacking exploit in the last 2 years due to a CF-based vector? (Remember, this is anonymous) (Check all that apply)
No entries match your request. |
40. What aspects of CF are keeping you and/or your company using it? (Check all that apply)
na |
old legacy spaghetti code serving a single purpose. |
Phasing it out for .Net |
Politics |
Robust error handling and identification |
they keep trying to find something to replace it with. |
We are migrating to .net core |
We are working to get off it as fast as possible |
We generally don’t hire developers we foster html developers into cf developers |
41. What aspects of CF are preventing you or your company from embracing CF? (Check all that apply)
Licensing costs |
Licensing costs |
moving away from in-house development |
not trending/popular |
Poor marketing by Adobe |
Prefer python for pure ease of setup (comes installed on a linux machine, then `pip install Django` - so easy. |
Price. They have not kept up with versions because of price and are actively now moving away. It is sad. |
Pricing model from adobe is terrible and legacy. Lucee is free but a one man show |
retro active licensing informent. |
Several enterprise-only features that were out there for no really good reason has prevented some of my clients from buying CF standard and instead going with other platforms. |
Until Lucee; Adobe's Licensing Cost |
Vanishing user ecosystem |
websocket support?? |
42. What is your approximate salary range in USD? (Remember, this is anonymous) (Check one)
No entries match your request. |
43. What is your current arrangement for CF work? (Check all that apply)
44. What percentage of your PROFESSIONAL development time is spent on CFML (as opposed to other languages)? (Check one)
45. What percentage of your HOBBY development time is spent on CFML (as opposed to other languages)? (Check one)
46. Any additional comments?
I started using CF in 1996 and still use it nearly every day. I built my business around it and spend most of my time running my business and doing maintenance coding and adding new features. I've used fusebox for a LONG time.
Watching the latest 2020 beta with interest
I love CF! Sadly, management is pushing for us to move to Wordpress/PHP in the very near future. Our developers tried to make the case to stick with our current path, but management already had their minds made up by the time they told us.
There is a need for more ColdFusion Users groups support from Adobe
Lucee is now preferred server, we strongly encourage all CFdevs to contribute to this project through the Open Collective.
in my opinion, we need frameworks such as CFWheels to ditch jQuery in favor of React, Vue, etc to create JavaScript enhanced view pages.
Thank you for doing this! I look for to it yearly!
I freaking love ColdFusion. And, I love how much Ortus Solution is pulling this community into the modern age, kicking and screaming!
Thank you
cf still rocks. fast as fnck. i do financial stuff, things have gone 100% client/js. i still like cf. just need to be able to afford food for kids. cf stuff is becoming rare. beed in it since 1998 cf 2.0
Allaire like Jesus needs to return..
Allaire like Jesus needs to return..
Thanks for keeping the CF torch burning 🙂
How CFML handles the transition to serverless will determine its future viability. Adobe's refusal to allow anything but enterprise on the cloud negates a lot of the good work of the CF team.
I am FULL STACK SENIOR COLDFUSION developer. I have more than 17 years experience to work on LARGE SCALE applications with BIG TEAMS all over the world.
Have a look into my following profile:
I maintained really good repute by providing QUALITY work on TIME.
I'd like to know how people are warding off attempts to move too low-code solutions like PowerApps.
I love CFML, I've been using it since Macromedia owned it. We need a marketing campaign that let's the business world know that it's still here and still supported. No one other than CFML developers think it's still a thing.
Great survey, long live CF (esp. Lucee)!
I think you should focus on making all current features 100% bulletproof before adding new features.
It is scary to update to new versions as things break. For example, I use a lot of PDF stuff and one of the upgrades changed how every PDF looked. Impossible to change hundreds of source files so I downgraded. Will work on it when I have time. New releases that have potential to break code should have a warning and tips on how to fix it
Easy integration with java
I run a customized version of Lucee 5.3 that I made which reduces the chance that it will ever become unsupported while I'm using it. I patched or removed several of the complexities and problems it had that I don't need. I'm Bruce Kirkpatrick, sometimes I talk on the Lucee forum. I don't see CFML as a third party thing to worry about anymore having made it my own thanks to the quality of the open source project and my desire to learn Java & JVM bytecode. I felt like it was more important to lock down what I need and keep it stable then to have new features, or bloat.
Finding ColdFusion work is almost impossible these days.
Adobe should market CF more and should focus on not loosing relations with the organisation already using it and should focus on it by highlighting benefits which organisations are not aware of because they only see the license cost and no one from Adobe is doing the job highlight the other side of using CF.
Total number of responses
Join the CF Alive revolution
Discover how we can all make CF more alive, modern and secure this year. Join other ColdFusion developers and managers in the CF Alive Inner Circle today.- Get early access to the CF Alive book and videos
- Be part of a new movement for improving CF's perception in the world.
- Contribute to the CF Alive revolution
- Connect with other CF developers and managers
- There is no cost to membership.