I read about a new search engine called Mahalo (“thank you” in Hawaiian) in Fast Company. Is it using some fancy algorithm to beat Google or more powerful servers to power the search? No. Mahalo uses people to do the searching. At first it seems kind of web -1.0 but perhaps there is something to […]
ColdFusion and other news
OMG Cool blue Ajax line on google maps
OMG Google maps now lets you drag the blue route line to customize your route!! Very cool use of Ajax – it updates the directions text as you drag the blue line on the map! And you can even move the start and end points with the mouse too. I love it! Here is an […]
Google gears trying to play catch up with Adobe AIR
Google Gears Is Google Gears (an open source browser extension that enables web applications to provide offline functionality using JavaScript API) a competitor to Adobe AIR? According to the google website http://gears.google.com/ It will let you: Store and serve application resources locally Store data locally in a fully-searchable relational database Run asynchronous Javascript to improve […]
Why use Whole Brain Programming
Why do I use the whole brain for programming rather than the traditional left brain skills such as logical thinking and syntax? Because it makes for better programs and happier clients. For example a right brain tool such as mindmapping lets me diagram out website requirements in a visual format. I can’t explain why but […]
TeraDisc "DVD" Terabyte storage
Fed up with not being able to fit enough movies from your Tivo onto a DVD? Now instead of 5 Gigabyte on a DVD there is a 1 Terabyte (1000 Gigabyte) “DVD” made by the Israeli firm Mempile (www.mempile.com). Their “TeraDisc” (which is the same size as CDs and DVDs) holds 20 times the capacity […]
Why IT Projects Fail
If you’re reading this entry and for some magical means all the projects you have been part of have succeeded, then you might want to skip to the next entry. If you’re still reading, then just like me, you have been on projects that failed miserably. Needless to say, I have always learned something new […]
Do you use your Whole Brain while developing?
Recently Dan Pink’s book “A Whole New Mind” suggested that the era of “left brain” dominance, and the Information Age that it engendered, are giving way to a new world in which “right brain” qualities-inventiveness, empathy, meaning-predominate. I will be leading a Birds of Feather session at CFUNITED to discuss ways to leverage both sides […]
ColdFusion server not so expensive
I often hear one objection to using ColdFusion is that it is necessary to buy the server software. Good news. Now that ColdFusion is owned by Adobe, companies that have a discount account with Adobe also get a discount on CF server. I learned this on a discussion list and have not had a chance […]
ACASI software supports unicode
Audio Data Systems (ADS) recently enhanced their ACASI software to support character-based languages. ACASI software is used to conduct self-administered interviews. Many top universities and prominent research companies to conduct surveys. TeraTech developed the automated interview software with ADS. For further information visit the ACASI website https://teratech.com/ads or contact Lawrence Greenfield, Ph.D at (240) 687-2052. […]
Restarting Server by ColdFusion
Sometimes we may need to restart our server because of some problems. Specially on windows based servers this would be headache if you have a remote server. Mainly we can use tools like “Terminal Services”, “PC Anywhere”, or “VNC” etc. But there would be also to reach these interfaces. I would like to suggest a […]