Miki Saxon as always, has a keen sense of the business world. While many people would like to believe that the majority of the latest, greatest corporation founders are 20-somethings who just end up with a great business. People constantly hear about stories in which mere kids are becoming gazillionaires when they may not have […]
ColdFusion and other news
Crowd Chess
Is one single person smarter than an enormous group of people? Is a crowd better at making decisions than one trained expert? Crowdchess.com is taking this idea and putting it to the ultimate test, a mass exhibition of the ultimate strategy game where it is literally the world versus chess Grand Master Gawain Jones, one […]
The Corporate Culture Machine
I recently read an article by Miki Saxon about the similarities between corporate culture and computers. Pretty fascinating when you realized most everyone equates the two to being quite opposing. When you get down to the nitty-gritty, the real “guts” so to speak, they are pretty similar. A computer does exactly what its told. Now […]
Would Whole Brain testing have made Windows Vista better?
I was reading Joel on Software the other day and he talked about a rumor that one of the reasons that Windows Vista release was extremely inconsistent and unpolished was that the testing was fully automated (or left brain). There was no traditional (whole brain) testing where the tester not only runs the software through […]
Chinese Foo Camp, growth and pollution
Tim O’Reilly blog post on Chinese fast growth and pollution in his Chinese Foo Camp review made me think of the book “Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update” which I just got. If you haven’t seen it it is an analysis and computer models of where our current world is going with all the growth […]
Gmail questions…any suggestions?
Why do I see some emails that have my default email address and/or says “On behalf of (my name)”. Yikes. Not sure why some emails show this and others don’t. And I just realized that some mailing lists that I respond to will not let me send to it because I’m either not on the […]
Question: Gmail select feature
You know when you select “conversations” in your inbox. I click on, say 4, so that I can “mark as read”. Then I want to un-check those “conversations”, but Gmail doesn’t seem to have a way to un-click them. There’s a “star” and “unstar” option, but not the un-check option. So far, I’ve been un-checking […]
Reason #2, Gmail offers a filtering system that is simple and easy to use
Since I started to point all my emails to my Gmail account, I figured I’d need some kind of filtering system. Here’s what I was able to accomplish within minutes: 1. New filter- fields are labeled without confusion 2. Test run- depending on the fields you filled, you can run a test to see what […]
Why Gmail is truly a charm, best of the best. Reason #1.
I configured all my emails to come to my Gmail account. I have three main emails and not only do I get them all in one place (filtered in their corresponding folders), I set up the account to respond with the email address it was originally sent to. Does this make sense? Hope so. I […]
The Project Assistant
When the day starts, I take my planner, pad of paper, pen, and clear mind to my Manager’s office to “check in” and “follow up” on new and existing tasks. I try to get in a bit earlier so that I can check email, talk to the developers, and review project information. All this, to […]