Fed up with not being able to fit enough movies from your Tivo onto a DVD? Now instead of 5 Gigabyte on a DVD there is a 1 Terabyte (1000 Gigabyte) “DVD” made by the Israeli firm Mempile (www.mempile.com). Their “TeraDisc” (which is the same size as CDs and DVDs) holds 20 times the capacity of a dual-layer Blu-ray disc.
They use 200 5GB layers, each one only five microns apart. Prototypes have already been made to store up to 800GB of data and Mempile says it will crack the 1TB barrier before moving on to build 5TB blue laser disks. Look out for these in 2010.
And hey 1 TB is enough for 250,000 MP3 on one disk – that is enought space for even my complete CD collection!
PS Part of my interest is that when I created the name for TeraTech in 1991 the Tera part came from Terabyte. Back then a 10 Mb harddrive was big and cost $3000. It is amazing to see how storage has grown and price has come down!