Raymond Camden talks about “Vue.JS FusionReactor and Therapy” in this episode of the CF Alive Podcast, with host Michaela Light.
“…There could have been tools to make that a little bit easier to make the scaffolding quicker. It's, but like, it's, you know, it's like when I go anywhere now with my children, right? I don't like casually go anywhere, but my kids are coming. I'm bringing snacks and bringing diaper bag and all that. And I like them being with me. But it's a process. And that's kind of how I felt about Angular. You know, view, you know, view definitely has a process to it has a command line as a scaffolding tool. And you can build big applications. But then, but it also supports simple progressive enhancement…”
Show notes
Why and what excites you about Vue
- Simple progress web apps enhancements – easier than jQuery
- Eg progressive search and filtering
- Simple to get started with than Angular
- Vue has two way binding between your DOM and JS data
- jQuery this is manual
- Easier with dynamic HTML with tokens that are replaced by JS data by Vue
- Compare to Handlebars, mustache, Jade and Pug
- Excited about its simplicity and power
- Find other Vue logic from other similar sites
- CodePen online code edit
Compare to Angular.JS
- Angular hard to use on smaller scale use on a single page of an app – it expects to run the whole app
- Needs more handholding, conventions
- Major Angular update – leaders were not helpful to people upgrading
- Even needing to explain the version numbering change
What Vue is especially good for
- Apps
- Single page enhancement
- For micro apps (4 lines) just uses JavaScript
- Example of Vue.JS on Plex media server
- API Fetch – does AJAX type calls super easy
- Axeos library
Vue Challenges
- More documentation for people new to JavaScript apps
- What folders can you ignore when starting
- Get started in an hour
- Sarah Drasner CSS tricks site
FR first impressions for new CFers
Therapy with his wife dying a year ago
- Neutral party listening to all the emotions and experiences
- Good for any mental health issues – anxiety and depression
Mentioned in this episode
- Progressive Web Apps- CF Alive episode
- Why Programming in Node.JS is so powerful- CF Alive episode
- John Farrar: Vue- more is less
- CodePen
- Sarah Drasner CSS tricks Vue articles
- Getting started with FusionReactor
- Finding and fixing your slow ColdFusion pages with FusionReactor
- Ray’s Wife died blog posts
- Building a plex server duration search with Vue.JS
- CF Suicide and depression- CF Alive episode
- Oh my GAD- CF ALive episode
Listen to the Audio
Raymond Camden
Raymond Camden works as a Developer Experience engineer for American Express. He works on serverless, JavaScript, web standards, and enterprise cat demos. He is the author of multiple books on web development and has been actively blogging and presenting for almost twenty years. Raymond can be reached at his blog (www.raymondcamden.com), @raymondcamden on Twitter, or via email at [email protected].
Interview transcript
Michaela Light 0:00
Hey, welcome back to the podcast. I'm here today with Ray Camden. And we're going to be talking about Vue.JS, FusionReactor and also Therapy. So if you don't know Ray, he is sometimes known as the Jedi Jedi Master. And he was for a long time in the ColdFusion community. He kind of went off in other directions, but now he's playing around with FusionReactor and doing some other cool stuff with Vue.JS. So he works as developer experience engineer for American Express now, and he works on server lyst, JavaScript web standards, enterprise cat demos, that sounds very enterprise cat demos. Yes. And he's also the author of lots of books on web development. And he's got a very prolific Brock blog. And he's done a lot of presentations. So welcome, Ray.
Raymond Camden 0:55
Thank you for having me. Thank you for inviting me.
Michaela Light 0:58
Yeah. So you're welcome. A lot of it's nice to have you back on the show. I'll link in the to other episodes you had on the CF Alive podcast and the show notes on progressive web apps and using Node JS. But today, we're going to look at Vue.JS, which is a front end framework that a fair number of ColdFusion developers use, in fact, I interviewed john Farrar a couple of years ago, and he was kind of excited about it. And I'll put that episode in the show notes too. But I'm sure you have a totally different take on it from John's, even though you both do have beards. So
Raymond Camden 1:32
yeah, I went to one of his presentations on view. And that was my first introduction to the topic. I don't know if I have a different take on it. But I have been using well before ups, I've been using Angular JS for a while. And I liked it. You know, I've been I'm potential I saying I liked it with a little bit of pain. Yeah, I could get things done. I liked it in comparison to everything else I looked at. But I wasn't necessarily thrilled to start a new project with it. You know, if I had some, like random, weird, stupid idea, which are even most of my ideas are like that. Just a thought of starting a new Angular project was a bit of a impediment in terms of all the stuff that you had to kind of set up and get working. And that could absolutely have been my fault. There could have been tools to make that a little bit easier to make the scaffolding quicker. It's, but like, it's, you know, it's like when I go anywhere now with my children, right? I don't like casually go anywhere, but my kids are coming. I'm bringing snacks and bringing diaper bag and all that. And I like them being with me. But it's a process. And that's kind of how I felt about Angular. You know, view, you know, view definitely has a process to it has a command line as a scaffolding tool. And you can build big applications. But then, but it also supports simple progressive enhancement. So I have one page site, that's totally fine. on that one page, I want to add a little bit of interactivity. And the past I would have use jQuery for that. And now I'll use the view because view works great at that smaller scale. And it also works great with for applications as well. And I want to apologize if I'm a bit my soapbox here now, but it seems like most people talking about JavaScript have the assumption that you're always building applications with routing and state management and all that fancy stuff, you know, enterprise JavaScript apps. Whereas like, a lot of my JS work over the years has been a much smaller scale, still important to the client, still, you know, adding good things for end users, but at a scale that I don't see talked about, and a lot of conferences and blog posts now and to me view supporting the full range of what people can bill makes it a huge win for me off the soapbox.
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