Mark Takata talks about “All About Adobe ColdFusion 2023 (Part 1: containers, GCP, GraphQL, JWT)” in this episode of ColdFusion Alive Podcast with host Michaela Light.
“…So we support Google's version of Pub Sub. And it's fairly simple. You know, you've got a you've got someone creating a message. You've got a subscriber that you can create to listen to that message, messages of contact message that I gaze at It just have, you know, timestamps and things like that”.
- Show notes
- In this episode, we look at all the Adobe ColdFusion 2023 new features with the Adobe CF evangelist, Mark Takata.
- Modular, Secure, and Containerized Approach
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Services Integration
- (Multi-Cloud support was added in ACF 2018
- GraphQL Support
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- Mentioned in this episode
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- Bio
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- Interview transcript
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Show notes
In this episode, we look at all the Adobe ColdFusion 2023 new features with the Adobe CF evangelist, Mark Takata.
Modular, Secure, and Containerized Approach
- Adobe ColdFusion 2023 offers a modular and containerized way to build applications
- run across multiple cloud providers or on-premises without the need to rewrite your application.
- Future proofing your apps to future cloud tech changes.
- CF compiles to Java
- Even can run CF on Steam Deck (Linux game box)
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Services Integration
- The new version enhances project efficiency through seamless integration with GCP services like
- Cloud Storage buckets (all levels)
- Doc versioning, aging / retention
- PubSub. – MQ – app messaging
- Firestore
- A NoSQL database
- Like AWS Dynamo but easier to use
- Cloud Storage buckets (all levels)
- Access rights definable in CF admin or via code.
- Great docs
- Can use any other GCP features as APIs using CFHTTP
- Authentication is easy
- Including Google AI models such as Bard and Gemini
- Databases: MS-SQL, MySQL
- BigQuery
- VS Code extensions to help write this code
- Cool for more scaleable and modern CF apps!
(Multi-Cloud support was added in ACF 2018
- ACF 2021 already covers Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS cloud features.
- For doc storage and MQ features one tag
- Authentication is handled the same
- For NoSQL separate tags as features so different syntax
GraphQL Support
- What is GraphQL?
- GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools.
- It is Open source (The GraphQL Foundation)
- Ahead of the curve
- More efficient data retrieval and manipulation.
- Make complex data queries and updates with fewer requests
- Improved the performance and code flexibility.
- ACF 2023 provides native GraphQL Query Support
- Direct consuming of GraphQL endpoints
- Future – serving GraphQL too
JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- JSON is Structured Text data – more compact than XML.
- JWP secures your JSON that you are passing around or saving to prevent man in the middle or injection hacker attacks.
- ACF 2023 has built-in support for JWTs
- enhanced the security of your CF app
Mentioned in this episode
- 063 Scaling Your ColdFusion Applications (Clusters, Containers and Load Tips) with Mike Collins
- 110 CommandBox Workflow Magic (modules to speed up CF development), with Brad Wood
- 044 Let’s get GraphQL! (Smart API access from CFML), with Mark Drew
- 120 How is CFML Speed vs Other Languages? (Hint: really fast!), with Brad Wood
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Mark Takata
Senior ColdFusion Technical Evangelist
Mark Takata is Adobe’s Senior Technical Evangelist for ColdFusion. With more than 25 years of experience in the tech industry, Mark brings a deep knowledge of programming, design, and his love for mentorship to this role, where he is the main touchpoint for the CF community.
Interview transcript
Michaela Light 0:01
Welcome back to the show. I'm here with Mark Tatar Cocker, would I make a mince meter? You're nearly close. How do you say Mr. Takata? The cutter sounds very precise when you say He is the senior ColdFusion evangelist for Adobe. And he knows a lot about ColdFusion 2023, which is good because that's the subject of today's episode, we're going to look at all the cool features that got added in to 2023 that you may not be aware of at home. So we'll be talking about containerization and the Google Cloud platform integration graph, QL, JSON Web Tokens, cool PDF enhancements, the centralized server admin, stuff, ss, O single sign on, and also the whole revamp of the PDF engine that happened so and a whole bunch of other things. I haven't got time to fit into 30 seconds promo there. So welcome, Mark.
Mark Takata 1:06
Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for having me on. Always a pleasure to see you and be on be on your podcast. It's good to see amps.
Michaela Light 1:14
Absolutely. It's great to see you. So I got your title on you're actually senior technical evangelist.
Mark Takata 1:21
I am I am that was a new I got I got an upgrade. Yeah,
Michaela Light 1:26
Basically means you go around to customers cold fusion and meet them online, meet him at conferences new. Tell them about what wonderful in confusion. And I think you also kind of do a little bit the other way you listen to people and pass stuff back to correct
Mark Takata 1:42
It. And that I'm that herb and that connector between the community and the internal folks. You know, I say the things in meetings internally that maybe we don't want to hear or we don't hear very often. So I'm, I'm that voice from the community to try it out. I mean, you know, it's, that's my job, it's my job to be that voice, whether it's positive or negative, we need to hear what's coming from the community. And then the other way back is, you know, I communicate stuff from the internal folks back out to the community about changes, things that are coming up, talking about, you know, support issues, things like that. So I cover the gamut. I work with engineering, product support, sales, everybody is sort of math, I guess.
Michaela Light 2:27
And you're also a ColdFusion. Developer. I used to do cold fusion development University California at Davis. I think I remember right?
Mark Takata 2:35
Yeah. A lot. Yeah. I've worked in cold fusion for over 25 years, and worked at UC Davis, UC ANR. Did CF, both of those did CF at a company called line tech, plus another like 13 Other languages across a multitude of different companies.
Michaela Light 2:54
You have a perfect, perfect person to be the evangelist for cold fusion? I think so.
Mark Takata 2:59
I think I think so. But hopefully others do too.
Michaela Light 3:03
Yes. So let's start talking about containerization. Yeah, that's something a lot of people are interested in and have been doing for a while. But what does Adobe ColdFusion add to that? was added new on earlier versions.
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Michaela Light is the host of the CF Alive Podcast and has interviewed more than 100 ColdFusion experts. In each interview, she asks "What Would It Take to make CF more alive this year?" The answers still inspire her to continue to write and interview new speakers.
Michaela has been programming in ColdFusion for more than 20 years. She founded TeraTech in 1989. The company specializes in ColdFusion application development, security and optimization. She has also founded the CFUnited Conference and runs the annual State of the CF Union Survey.
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