This video with Charlie Arehart is an introduction to FusionReactor.
FusionReactor is a commercial server monitor developed by Intergral GmbH for monitoring Java application servers such as Tomcat, JBoss. WebSphere and MongoDB, and in particular Adobe ColdFusion, Railo, Lucee, and Flex Data Services. It has been designed to use less than 1% overhead. Since its initial release in November 2005, FusionReactor has been used by some of the world's largest organizations.
Here are the topics that Arehart will talk about in his presentation:
Enterprise Dashboard
monitoring for ColdFusion 6, 7 and 8
Monitor Adobe Flex and LiveCycle Data Services
Also runs with J2EE app servers such as JBoss, TOmcat, WebSphere
Crash Protection
Create your individual “crash protection” rules
Protect your server from:
*peak load demand
*long running requests
*out of memory issues
- Ability to override rules for specific pages e.g. report generation
Self Healing
- Self-healing responds when one of your crash protection events is triggered
- Self-healing will either queue requests and/or abort requests and/or mail you a server snapchat, following a crash protection report trigger
Metrics and Graphs
- get invaluable information on what is actually happening inside your server
- see details such as:
*memory usage, CPU usage, page execution time, HTTP Headers, longest running requests, SQL data and much more
Benefits of FusionReactor
- Take control and keep servers responding even in critical situations
- Quickly isolate issues to improve quality and maintain service levels
- Improve performance, lower bandwidth by more than 70%