Steven Neiland talks about “Going Modular With Fw/1 Subsystems 2.0” in this episode of ColdFusion Alive podcast with host Michaela Light. He was one of the speakers at the CF.Objective Conference, and currently works remotely out of Tampa Florida as a senior web developer at SiteVision Inc.
Show notes
- What is FW/1?
- What is a framework?
- Why you should be using a framework?
- Why use an open source ColdFusion framework rather than a homebrew framework
- Why should CFers be using FW/1 over other CF frameworks?
- Light weight compared to ColdBox
- What are the new subsystems 2.0?
- A cut down version of a FW/1 system
- Similar to ColdBox modules
- What is new with FW/1 2.0 subsystems?
- How to Enable subsystems
- Create subsystems directory and drop the subsystem there. That is it! No config required.
- Much easier than in 1.0!
- How to Access subsystems
- Conventions
- Bean factories are easier to use eg DI/1 or Wirebox
- A kind of Dependency Injection
- How to Enable subsystems
- Why should you be using subsystems?
- When not to use subsystems
- Auto Wiring
- Why are you proud to use CF?
- Easy to get started in. Build for real people rather than computer scientists.
- WWIT (What Would It Take) for you to make CFML more alive this year?
- Technical point of view it is very alive. STable language, no quirks,
- Better PR and marketing to the masses (and not just Fortune 500). Reach schools etc
- Lucee marketing tour with Gert
- What are you looking forward to at CFObjective?
- Glad Adobe is back
- Hanging out with the Lucee guys and new features
- WWIT for you to make cf.Objective more alive this year?
- A reflexion of the state of CFML
- Adobe CF Summit has pull some of
- Lucee more blog posts and ra-ra more awesomeness
- WWIT to make Lucee more alive this year?
- Better docs – key for an open source language. Expand. More comprehensive. Easier to get into
- Marketing
- Tech issues compared to other languages
- Moment JS and CFML
Building web applications today involves writing a lot of repetitive code. Frameworks and snippets take reduce some of this right off that bat, however we can take this a step further. We FW/1's new subsystem architecture to make whole workflows reusable as modules.
By modularizing your code you can not only reuse it for other projects with minimal work, you can also share fixes and improvements between projects that use the same module automatically.
In addition, you simplify your code base by breaking you monolith down into discrete segments which you can then dedicate developers to without those developer needing to know the intricacies of the parent applications the module will integrate with later on.
Mentioned in this episode
- FW/1
- Sean Corfield
- ColdBox
- Fusebox
- Ryan Cogswell created subsystems
- FW/1 Sections, Items
- “Stand on the shoulders of giants by using an open source framework”
- Framework Abuse
- Bean factory
- Dependency Injection
- DI/1
- Wirebox
- Using Subsystems in FW/1
Listen to the Audio
Steven Neiland
Originally from Cork Ireland, Steven Neiland currently works remotely out of Tampa Florida as a senior web developer at SiteVision Inc.
Interview transcript
Michael: Welcome back to the show. I'm here with Steve Neiland and he is senior developer at ‘Site Vision’ and he's joining us here from Florida; where it's probably hot and sunny and humid as it usually is in Florida at this time of the year.
Steve: It's only eighty degrees.
Michael: Only eighty degrees. All right well that'll get you ready for Washington D.C., the height of summer where you're going to be in a few weeks at sea 00:29 [inaudible]. And today's episode, Stephen and I are going to talk about going modular with FW1- frame work 1 using subsystems and he's going to talk about a 2.0 version of that. And we'll look at what framework 1 is for those you don't know and why you should be using a framework being factories and while there are exciting things to do with that. And also about subsystems and how you enable them and access them and whether you should be using them and if so how. And we'll also have a look at see if objective and maybe we’ll mention Lucy a little bit too. So welcome Stephen.
Steve: Thanks for having me.
Michael: You're welcome. Now I hear you have a slight accent where you're originally from a country in Europe?
Steve: Yes, I'm from County Cork Ireland originally.
Michael: Fabulous, sounds beautiful. So you gave up rainy, damp weather to have hot and sunny Floridian weather.
Steve: Yes and I'm not going back I like it warm.
Michael: Well, I can understand. I used to live in England and I found it a bit rainy and dark in the winter.
Steve: What part of England were you in?
Michael: I was in a town called Maidenhead Berkshire which was in the south, still is in the south as far as I know.
Steve: you hope
Michael: Yes, I hope.
Steve: It washed away you never know.
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