Luis Majano talks about “4 Cool CF books” in this episode of the CF Alive Podcast, with host Michaela Light.
Show notes
Learn Modern CFML in 100 minutes
- Why wrote
- Started by Mike Hanky 100 minutes of CF on GitHub but not completed
- Inspired by Ruby in 100 mins
- Luis asked to complete the CF book
- Take CFML to next level, modern
- Started by Mike Hanky 100 minutes of CF on GitHub but not completed
- What about
- Who it is for
- Reference for all CFers to write in modern CFML
- Newbies to CFML
- How to read/buy
- Online
- Open source book
- In GitBook
- Kept up to date with pull requests
- Print and Kindle and PDF
- CF code to export to PDF for Amazon
- Really 100 minutes? Yes
- Future
- Mini videos on the chapters for CFCasts
102 ColdBox HMVC Tips and Tricks
- Why 102?
- Was (100 + 1) + 1 – overachiever
- Why wrote
- Help ColdBox users
- Wrote 30 minutes per day 5 tips per day and from the team
- What about
- Who it is for
- All levels of ColdBox users
- Newbies
- Medium
- advanced
- All levels of ColdBox users
- How to read/buy
- Oruts site PDF + eBook
- Made with Ulysses book publishing tool
- Closed source
- Future – video version for CFCasts
Two new books announcement
102 CommandBox Tips and Tricks
- All levels of CommandBox users
- Newbies
- Medium
- Advanced
- Server spin up
- Undertow JBOSS
- Package management
- ForgeBox 1000 open source modules
- CLI (Command Line Interface) and REPL
102 TestBox Tips and Tricks
- Automated testing
- TDD (Test Driven Development) – write unit tests before writing the code
- Developer paralysis from having to write tests first
- Refactor code to be testable
- Write tests for only the most complex CFCs
- Just in time testing – write test after you see a bug so that bug doesn’t come back later
- BDD (Behavior Driven Development) – higher level testing and user behavior
- From top requirements and stories down
- Also Mocking objects and data (was MockBox)
- Dummy code objects until the real object is created
- API mocking
- Coverage testing
- Currently with FusionReactor
- Might be standalone later
- Why to test
- What to test
- When to stop writing test
- Launch at ITB
Other books
- https://www.ortussolutions.
com/learn/books/ - Online documentation of these products
- ColdBox
- CommandBox
- TestBox
- WireBox
- CacheBox
- ContentBox
- Online is up to date, printed book is out of date
- ColdBox
Why are you proud to use CF?
- The best language – used many
- ASM, Basic, C#, Grovey, Java, CF
- Productive
WWIT to make CF more alive this year?
- Build solutions in CF (not focus on cool language features)
- Tell folks about it!
What are you looking forward to at Into The Box Web Development Conference 2022?
- New family friendly venue in Houston TX
- 1 day workshops
- Other big speakers, including from other languages
Mentioned in this episode
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Luis Majano
Luis Majano (@lmajano) is a Computer Engineer that has been developing and designing software systems since the year 2000. He was born in San Salvador, El Salvador in the late 70’s, during a period of economical instability and civil war. He lived in El Salvador until 1995 and then moved to Miami, Florida where he completed his Bachelors of Science in Computer Engineering at Florida International University. Luis resides in Houston, Texas with his beautiful wife Veronica, daughter Alexia and son Lucas!
He is the CEO of Ortus Solutions (@ortussolutions), a consulting firm specializing in web development, ColdFusion (CFML), Java development and all open source professional services under the *Box stack. He is the creator of ColdBox, ContentBox, WireBox, MockBox, LogBox and anything BOX, and contributes to many open source ColdFusion/Java projects. You can read his blog at
Interview Transcript
Michaela Light 0:00
Welcome back to the show. I'm here with Luis Mahato, CEO of audit solutions, and we're gonna talk about four. That's four ColdFusion books that he's either written or about to publish real soon now. And welcome, Luis. That's Yes, thank you for having me. This is really, really exciting. It's been a long time. It has been long, too long, but we're making up for lost time. For those of you don't know, Luis, he originally was born in El Salvador. And then he moved to Houston, Texas, and he's been doing cold fusion for decades now. And odor solution is the company he founded together with his brother and big team now not only in the United States, but also in El Salvador as a team as well. And they make all those box products called Box command box test box. If you think of any English word and you can put box after it probably there is a box product, either crying it or coming.
Trying yes, no, you're incredibly productive Luis. Really appreciate everything you do in the ColdFusion community. And also, you guys started the moderniser die podcast. So another great contribution there. So today we're going to talk about the books you've written, the two you've published, we're going to talk about and I actually have one in my hand here, I will just wave around, signed by the author at CF Summit. That book in case you couldn't read it as I waved around as modern ColdFusion CFML, in 100 minutes. So we'll talk about that also 102 codebooks ht, HMP see tips and tricks. And then two new books coming out this year. One about command box one about test box. And there are even other books we are not allowed to talk about that you published in the past will remain secret and hidden.
Luis Majano 1:57
Up to date, if you're using older versions, you know, if you're using older versions of that software, they're still relevant.
Michaela Light 2:03
Okay, well, then maybe we will mention them. Yeah. So yeah. Tell us about your the first book that you published, learn modern CFML in 100 minutes. So why did you write this? It's been a few years since about three years since I think you published this.
Luis Majano 2:16
Yeah, definitely. I mean, this actually, the first kind of brunt of the workload was done by Mike Hankey. Great guy. I met him a long time ago. Actually, I have to catch up with him. But Mike Kanki took the time to kind of start this this this idea of CFML and 100 minutes, which was made famous by Ruby, right. So Ruby created a, an online book on alignment. Trent called 100. What it was a Ruby in 100 minutes, or Ruby and Rails on 100 minutes or something, I think it was just Ruby Ruby in 100 minutes. And Mike kind of started it and he put it on GitHub, and it kind of got a little bit of traction, but he I don't think he ever completed it. And I spoke to him and say, hey, I want to I want to do a modern version, can I just you know, grabbed some of this content. And and he agreed. And then basically, I started this initiative. And as you know, you know, we're trying to revive and kind of disseminate that CFML and ColdFusion is modern, right? This is the stigma that we have that it's you know, it's a language that has been around for many years now, people still think that it's the same language that it was 20 years ago, right. Like with anything, it has evolved, just like the other languages that have been going on around like PHP, and Java, which people still think that PHP is still very legacy. And it's has some modern concepts as well. So that was my idea is I want to take this to the next level, I want to basically provide a modern approach to the language and treat this as for not only for newbies, it was mostly targeted for newbies to furniture, but it has grown into also a nice reference, right for people to actually say, hey, I want to I want to see what's up with the variable scopes or you know, what about null and nothingness, right, or threading? Right. So we tried to appease both kind of sides, the the newbies and the advanced, folks. But my intent was definitely Okay, let's take this and push Martin CFML. Document all the new modern constructs, how to document how to write and and, you know, we still have big plans for it right now, it's been, like you said, about three years since the initial version. So it's time for it's been kept up to date, especially a lot by the community. This is a great thing since it's open source. So I've gotten tons of pull requests, I can look up how many pull requests we have received, but tons of pull requests, and it's still up to date. And we just want to keep updating it I want to add more integration integrations with what's the service that actually allows you to execute CFML try CFML. So I want to add those so you can actually have little snippets that you can actually execute and start Working with it.
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Michaela Light is the host of the CF Alive Podcast and has interviewed more than 100 ColdFusion experts. In each interview, she asks "What Would It Take to make CF more alive this year?" The answers still inspire her to continue to write and interview new speakers.
Michaela has been programming in ColdFusion for more than 20 years. She founded TeraTech in 1989. The company specializes in ColdFusion application development, security and optimization. She has also founded the CFUnited Conference and runs the annual State of the CF Union Survey.
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