Check out the Fusebox 5.5 beta that Sean Corfield released the other week. There are two primary themes to Fusebox 5.5: 1. Simplify. Remove barriers. Make it easier for newbies. Make building applications faster by favoring convention over configuration. 2. Extend through extensibility. Provide new functionality outside the core. Add plugins, lexicons, even standardized circuits. […]
Nick’s Fusebox 101 tips
Nick has some Fusebox 101 tips at The first one is on XFAs, I am looking forward to more!
Fuseboxers at MAX and training survey
Sean Corfield & Fuseboxers Sean Corfield blogged about which Fuseboxers will be at MAX and I suggest we get together there. And if you have your Got Fusebox t-shirt wear it so other Fuseboxers can find you! Whether you are a Fuseboxer or not please take our MAX and training survey to say what events […]
Fusebox 6 poll – mailing list and version name for Fusebox "6"
I hear from Sean that about 50 people have voted in the mailing list poll and about 40 in the version number poll. If the next version is Fusebox 6, should we have a new mailing list, keep it on the Fusebox 5 list or rename the list to something more generic: (current results […]
Fusebox YouTube video competition ends 6/22/07
You’ve seen them – the ten minute presentations where Rails enthusiasts make a blog or some other handy application to demonstrate the versatility of the framework. Now it’s time for Fuseboxers around the world to showcase their skill and the framework they love. Put together a ten minute YouTube video and will reward the creator […]
Fusebox 5 Book Released
Jeff Peters Fusebox 5 Jeff Peters has just released Fusebox 5 and FLiP: Master-Class ColdFusion Applications available via Proton Arts . This is the book on Fusebox 5 / 5.1! Almost 500 pages covering Fusebox concepts, core files, the Fusebox Lifecycle Process, best practices and six appendices.
Fusebox 6 – a status update
Based on lots of feedback about Fusebox and different versions, the Fusebox core team lead by Sean Corfield arrived at two themes for the up coming Fusebox 6 release: 1. Simplify. Remove barriers. Make it easier for newbies. Make building applications faster by favoring convention over configuration. 2. Extend through extensibility. Provide new functionality outside […]