Hi All,
The new year brought in new hope (a hope for some snow), new resolutions, and a new version of Flex! So what can you look forward to in this new release? Here are just a few of the feaures and improvements I find exciting.
Flex Builder is now officially available for the Mac OS x platform and support for the Flex builder plug-in in Eclipse 3.2 (on Mac). I have spent many hours fighting with my pre-release version of Flex builder on the Mac. Because of that I still keep my licensed version on my PC. Now I can resume my conversion from PC harware to Mac hardware. I don't have Paralells – yet.
A new package, xm.modules, have been included in the framework to support breaking up a large application into smaller managable – modules. This should improve download performance and team development.
Your style sheets can now be applied dynamically at run-time, not just at compile-time. Now, designers can have a role in Flex development by creating and applying styles to a Flex application without going into the IDE and style changes can be made on the fly without recompilation. How cool is that!
Check back son as I will have a demo of an app using dynamic styles.
OK. So here's “the rub”. The Flex Builder updates can be applied to all Flex builder WINDOWS implementations. At this time I can purchase a Flex builder for the Mac from the Adobe store. But what if I already have a licensed copy of Flex Bilder for Windows? Do I really need to buy another for the Mac? Good News! You can contact Adobe ([email protected] or Adobe service) to request a trade-in. they will repond with your Mac serial number to activate the product.
So, where can you get your “new fix”? You can visit the Adobe Flex Support Center to get your updaters now. Now this is a point release worth celebrating!