This is the second in a series of blog posts leading up to my presentation on Clustering at CFUnited on June 20, 2008 at 2:00PM. Clustering has been available to us in two apparently different forms. Hardware Clustering and Software Clustering. I say apparently different as some digging reveals interesting items, particularly as they relate […]
CFUnited – High Availability & Clustering Presentation – Part 1 – An Overview Of Clustering
I will be presenting at CFUnited on Friday June 20, 2008, on the subject of High Availability (HA)-Clustering for ColdFusion/JRun applications and I intend to make this as practical as possible. Having spent many years travelling the world helping to fix slow or unresponsive ColdFusion applications, I see HA as a natural progression to this […]
CFUnited 2008 Update
TeraTech is in total conference mode. Everyday we are getting closer to this years CFUnited (June 18th – 21st) and everyone in the office is getting more and more excited. There’s still a bunch to get done, and everyone is excited about the new location in DC This year will be the best year ever […]
Fuseboxers at MAX and training survey
Sean Corfield & Fuseboxers Sean Corfield blogged about which Fuseboxers will be at MAX and I suggest we get together there. And if you have your Got Fusebox t-shirt wear it so other Fuseboxers can find you! Whether you are a Fuseboxer or not please take our MAX and training survey to say what events […]
CFUnited Preview Recording: "Multilingual (i18N) Applications in CF, Theory & Practice"
I had another preview presentation for my whole day class at CFUnited “Multi Lingual (i18N) Applications in CF, Theory & Practice”. You can check the recording via the following link: If you would like to have more information about the class and to register, you can check the CFUnited Classes pages at Please […]
Multi Language Applications in CF in Theory and Practice
I will present a preview of my day-long class “Multi Language Applications in CF in Theory and Practice” at the Thursday 31 May 2007 of the “The Online ColdFusion Meetup Group”. It will be based on Adobe Connect and will takes around 20-30 min as base session and then questions and answers. If you plan […]
Suggestions: "Multi Language Applications in CF in Theory and Practice"
I would like to ask your suggestions for preparing a presentation. I will present a whole day class just before CFUnited ( on “Multi Language Applications in CF in Theory and Practice”, and I would like to know what topics would be interesting to cover. I specially would like to focus on best practices with […]
Do You Need Multilingualism?
In order to reach international markets through the Internet, supporting different cultures through our applications is essential for being successful. ColdFusion MX comes with an integrated infrastructure for creating international applications. The internet is continuing to make the world a smaller place. Multi-lingual sites are becoming essential for many businesses, especially those that market products […]
Selling CF to clients survey
What strategies do you use for selling the ColdFusion platform to clients? What arguments do you run into and how do you over come them? Please take the survey at I will share ideas people have at my CFUNITED-07 talk on “Selling ColdFusion to Clients” and will also blog about them. Thanks!